What is Happening with the OverDrive Magazines Collection?
360 KB: What is Happening with the OverDrive Magazines Collection?
We have performed a thorough analysis of this collection's (dbid GMYUL)) update status and discussed it with the provider.
Unfortunately, the currently available OverDrive MARC records for the magazine titles lack coverage dates information. Coverage dates are a mandatory requirement for any serial collection during ingestion into the knowledgebase. Without the dates included in the data feed we cannot automate the updates and/or add new titles to this collection programmatically.
The provider is exploring options to improve their MARC records for the magazines or create and maintain a KBART list for them. There is currently no timeline for implementing either of these options.
Most links in the Magazines collection currently resolve as expected. Therefore, we have decided not to remove it from the knowledgebase, hoping to see a solution become available in the future.
- Article last edited: 01-OCT-2024