Alma: Links in Cairn Collections
How do links resolve in Cairn collections?
There are variations in the presentation of journal volumes and issues in the Cairn metadata which sometimes interfere with matching in the link resolvers.
To circumvent this issue the Cairn linking parser is configured to match through the DOI and thus resolve properly.
Note however that some of the DOI's in the Cairn feed resolve to Open Edition and other platforms and not to Cairn.
As per Cairn:
"This is in fact not an error, but a deliberate decision by Open Edition to link to their site, which they consider to be the main, "official" site of the journal.
EDP Sciences does it as well as does Lavoisier.
Any DOI that doesn't start with 10.3917, which is our identifier, will link to the journal's page on the publisher's website.
We encourage the publishers to indicate clearly how to access the full-text of the article on"
There is a fuller general explanation of the linking considerations in the article at: