If you subscribe to a package within ebrary/EBL and are migrating or have migrated to Ebook Central, use the following steps in order to ensure smooth migration.
In Alma and SFX:
- Search for the relevant Ebook Central collection.
The name of the Ebook Central subscription should be the same as ebrary or EBL.
For example: instead of ebrary Academic Complete, use Ebook Central Academic Complete.
If you have any questions regarding locating your subscription package from ProQuest, please contact ebooksupport@proquest.com so they can provide you with the exact package name.
- Activate the collection.
- Enter your Customer ID/ Site ID in the linking parameter.
You can pick up your Site ID from your Ebook Central login URL:
https://<SITE ID>.ebookcentral.proquest.com
You might want to do this before the migration takes place so the links will direct to your ebooks by the time of your migration.
If you submit Perpetual Acquisitions or have a Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) profile, use the Ebook Central Perpetual and DDA Titles collection, and activate the specific titles which you want discovered.
Also this collection requires entering the Customer ID in the linking parameter.
Alma roadmap plans for 2017 Q3 include automatic upload of electronic holdings from Ebook Central.
If you choose to use this functionality, all titles which are available for your institution from Ebook Central will automatically be activated on a scheduled basis.