Updates for JSTOR book subject collections are no longer available in Alma
As of September 2021, JSTOR no longer sells its book subjects collection. As a result, we will no longer be able to update them. Instead, you can find all JSTOR book content in the JSTOR Books collection, Collection ID: 613170000000000272.
In addition, we have decided to keep the JSTOR book subject collections for perpetual access, and the links will continue to work.
This change affects the following JSTOR collections in Alma:
Collection ID Collection Name
613800000000000106 JSTOR Books Archaeology
613800000000000107 JSTOR Books Business And Economics
613800000000000108 JSTOR Books Education
613800000000000109 JSTOR Books Film Studies
613800000000000110 JSTOR Books History
613800000000000111 JSTOR Books Language And Literature
613800000000000112 JSTOR Books Law
613800000000000113 JSTOR Books Music
613800000000000114 JSTOR Books Philosophy
613800000000000115 JSTOR Books Political Science
613800000000000116 JSTOR Books Religion
613800000000000117 JSTOR Books Science And Technology
613800000000000118 JSTOR Books Sociology
613800000000000119 JSTOR Books Spanish Collection
613800000000000120 JSTOR Books Sustainability