Primo: Fixes to Aggregator Content Data
Fixes to Aggregator Content Data
The following providers are unique aggregators as they augment publishers’ metadata – often with persistent identifiers - and repackage for subscribers. Central Discovery Index (CDI) is enriched with content from these aggregators and when there are issues, we can make one-off corrections as needed.
However, there are scenarios where we are unable to make any systemic changes to issues identified in the metadata, at which point we reach out to the providers to request changes. For example, we would reach out to add identifiers or update publication dates to enhance linking.
The following providers have informed us that their policies dictate that they cannot make any changes to their data despite requests:
- Datacite
- Crossref
- OpenAIRE
CSS customization can be done, if you would like to hide the data coming from them.
For example: To hide links from OpenAire, there is an option to hide them in primo via CSS customization by adding this code
a[href*="openaire"] { display: none; }
- Article last edited: 10-02-2021