Special links configuration in CDI for Primo and Primo VE
Some providers will require specific configurations for the links of their collections to access their content. In these cases, special credentials should be added to the link to create a customer-specific URL. A set of linking templates created by the CDI content team will assist you in customizing these links.
Update from August 8, 2023
LexisNexis collections no longer require special template linking. The configurations were removed from the list.
Toyo Keizai linking template was updated to support additional collections. Please, change the suffix of the syntax to:
Update from April 4, 2022
After receiving from our community reports on non-working links from the template of InfoBase Publishers, Inc. - Films on Demand, we have improved the linking template syntax of the template "infobase_linking". The new syntax should ensure that even when records from InfoBase are merged with other sources from the index, the metadata piece of the link that should be used for linking to the InfoBase website will come from the InfoBase record and will construct a valid linking. The new syntax appears in the chart below. While the old syntax will still work properly for most cases, we recommend switching the linking syntax from the old one to the new syntax.
Our recommendation is hence to change the following:
At the end of the syntax, instead of
Please change to:
Primo Instructions
1. Go to Primo Back Office > Advanced > Mapping Tables > edit the table Templates (sub-system Delivery)
2. Search for the relevant provider name in the list below to find the template name and instructions. Customize the URL as instructed. If you don't find the template, please add a new line manually and insert the values below for the template.
3. Save
4. Deploy
5. Test the linking for in your Primo Front End.
Primo VE Instructions
1. Go to Configuration Menu > Discovery > Other > Custom linking for Central Index databases
2. Search for the relevant provider name in the list below to find the template name and instructions. Customize the URL as instructed. If you don't find the template, please add a new line manually and insert the values below for the template.
3. Save
Provider | Template name | Syntax | Instructions |
Editions ENI |
editions_eni_linking |
https://www.eni-training.com/cs/%SITE_CLIENT%/?library_guid={{control/addsrcrecordid}} |
Search for the template "editions_eni_linking". To configure the template, replace %SITE_CLIENT% with the authentication key provided by Editions ENI. For example: https://www.eni-training.com/cs/demo-eni/?library_guid={control/addsrcrecordid}
Gale/Cengage Databases |
gale_linking |
https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/{{control/sourcerecordid}}/{{control/addsrcrecordid}}?sid=<Service ID>&u=<Location ID> |
Search for the template "gale_linking" and in the template code column, replace <Service ID> with Primo and <Location ID> as provided by Gale. |
InfoBase Publishers, Inc. |
infobase_linking (for Films on Demand collections only) |
http://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=XXX&xtid={{control/addsrcrecordid}} |
Search for the template infobase_linking and in the template replace ?wID=XXX with wID=your library code as provided by InfoBase. |
Moazine |
moazine_magazine_linking |
https://dl.moazine.com/lib/main.asp?dl=[XXX]&p_a=magazine&s_t=&m_id={{control/addsrcrecordid}} |
Search for the relevant template, and replace [XXX] after "libraryid=" with your library ID as received from the provider. |
moazine_article_linking |
http://dl.moazine.com/viewer3/index.asp?libraryid=[XXX]&articleid={{control/sourcerecordid}}&articlepage=1 |
Naxos International |
naxos_music_libray |
http://INSTITUTIONID.naxosmusiclibrary.com/catalogue/item.asp?cid={{control/sourcerecordid}} |
Search for the relevant Naxos template to your activated collections. the template Replace INSTITUTIONID with your Naxos site-specific baseURL prefix in the Template code column. For example, if for the “University of Testing” the prefix is "unt". The template will change from: http://INSTITUTIONID.naxosmusiclibrary.com/catalogue/item.asp?cid={{control/sourcerecordid}} to http://unt.naxosmusiclibrary.com/catalogue/item.asp?cid={{control/sourcerecordid}} |
naxos_jazz_libray |
http://INSTITUTIONID.naxosmusiclibrary.com/jazz/catalogue/item.asp?cid={{control/sourcerecordid}} |
naxos_spoken_word |
http://INSTITUTIONID.naxosspokenwordlibrary.com/catalogue/item.asp?cid={{control/sourcerecordid}} |
naxos_video |
http://INSTITUTIONID.naxosvideolibrary.com/title/{{control/sourcerecordid}} |
naxos_world | http://INSTITUTIONID.naxosmusiclibrary.com/world/catalogue/item.asp?cid={{control/sourcerecordid}} | ||
Psychotherapy.net |
psychotherapynet_video_links |
http://www.psychotherapy.net/stream/exlibrisgroup/video?vid={{control/addsrcrecordid}} |
Search for the template "psychotherapynet_video_links" and In the Template code column, replace exlibrisgroup with your customerID as you received it from psychotherapy.net. The URL should look like: http://www.psychotherapy.net/stream/%3cxxxx">http://www.psychotherapy.net/stream/<xxxx> where <xxxx> is substituted with your library's Psychotherapy.net video ID. Do not add a forward slash at the end of the URL (like this: ... psychotherapy.net/stream/xxxx/) because that will cause the URL to fail. |
Toyo Keizai |
toyo_keizai_statistics_linking |
https://dcl.toyokeizai.net/ap/cert/%clientID%/%clientPassword%/?u=/dcl/{{control/addsrcrecordid}}/{{control/sourcerecordid}} |
Search for the template "toyo_keizai_statistics_linking". To configure the template, replace %clientID% and %clientPassword% with the authentication key provided by Toyo Keizai. For example, https://dcl.toyokeizai.net/ap/cert/UNT/UNT123/u=/dcl/{{control/addsrcrecordid}}/{{control/sourcerecordid}} |