What is Happening to the CRL Catalog Collection in Ex Libris Knowledgebases
What is Happening to the CRL Catalog Collection in Ex Libris Knowledgebases?
Per provider's explanation, CRL Catalog is a collection which includes a mixture of digital and non-digitized materials. Therefore, source records do not contain an 856 field with a valid URL. The existing CRL Catalog collection in SFX and Alma is a legacy collection that contains 2 serial portfolios only. There are no article records for these 2 serial titles indexed in CDI via the CRL discovery metadata feed.
We, therefore, will remove portfolios from this collection and will turn it into a Database collection.
This collection will continue to be marked as “In CDI - Yes” and its activation will enable search in all of the content included in the CRL feed supplied for CDI.
Provider has supplied title lists for the digitized CRL collections:
CRL Open Access Monographs
CRL Open Access Newspapers
CRL Open Access Serials
CRL Monographs
CRL Newspapers
CRL Serials
We recommend activating these collections in your knowledgebase.
We are also working with to analyze coverage available for these collections through the CRL metadata feed provided for CDI, so that it can be reflected in the knowledgebase as well.
- Article last edited: 17-APR-2024