Summon: Journal of Visualized Experiments Subscriptions - August 2020
Which Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) databases should I subscribe to for Summon?
You will need to subscribe to any of the below zero-title databases in order to make available titles in Summon for the JoVE Science Education and JoVE Video Journals from the provider Journal of Visualized Experiments. We have shifted from subscribing at the title-level to subscription at the database-level in order to more accurately facilitate rights management for Summon.
If you are not a Summon user, you do not need to track the zero-title databases.
Please review the following tables below for each JoVE product.
JoVE Science Education
Subscribe to the following JoVE Science Education zero-title databases for Summon rights and availability:
Database Name | Database Code |
JoVE Core: Biology | JMEIT |
JoVE Core: Social Psychology | JOCSP |
JoVE Lab Manual: Introductory Biology | JEEST |
JoVE Lab Manual: Introductory Chemistry | UJWJV |
JoVE Science Education: Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology | BYXUY |
JoVE Science Education: Bioengineering | CETZR |
JoVE Science Education: Biomedical Engineering | ZCORP |
JoVE Science Education: Chemical Engineering | CMYFO |
JoVE Science Education: Electrical Engineering | CNRMA |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Analytical Chemistry | CPVLW |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Behavioral Science | CPZBY |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Biochemistry | CQBJH |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Biology 1 | DHVOQ |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Biology 2 | DLDFD |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Cell Biology | DPMFN |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Cognitive Psychology | DQSIP |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Developmental Biology | DSSOO |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Developmental Psychology | DVEMJ |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Earth Science | DYXLC |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care | EAKQM |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Environmental Microbiology | EFAYW |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Environmental Science | EKIVF |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Experimental Psychology | EKPOJ |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of General Chemistry | ENSPQ |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Genetics | ERZOW |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Lab Animal Research | EXHBG |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Neuropsychology | FBBXG |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Neuroscience | FBHVN |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Nursing Skills | FCIOW |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Organic Chemistry | FGNXC |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Physical Examinations I | FOGLE |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Physical Examinations II | FPXJL |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Physical Examinations III | FTEPD |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Physics I | FUBRV |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Physics II | GFTZY |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Sensation and Perception | GTJZE |
JoVE Science Education: Essentials of Social Psychology | HCEET |
JoVE Science Education: General Laboratory Techniques | HEVCP |
JoVE Science Education: Inorganic Chemistry | HKJOV |
JoVE Science Education: Lab Safety | HKROW |
JoVE Science Education: Materials Engineering | CHIZZ |
JoVE Science Education: Mechanical Engineering | HKZCN |
JoVE Science Education: Organic Chemistry II | HTRAL |
JoVE Science Education: Structural Engineering | AFMMR |
JoVE Video Journal
Subscribe to the following JoVE Video Journal zero-title databases for Summon rights and availability:
Database Name | Database Code |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Behavior | AIFFT |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Biochemistry | AINSG |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Bioengineering | ALKRA |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Biology | ALOKQ |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Cancer Research | AULCJ |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Chemistry | AUOYS |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Clinical and Translational Medicine | AGGWH |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Developmental Biology | BEELZ |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Engineering | BHQUO |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Environment | BHWBV |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Genetics | BIOFE |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Immunology and Infection | BJXJS |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Medicine | BTACS |
JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Neuroscience | BVVXV |
1. What if I subscribe to 223/D8-? Will the titles I have tracked there appear in Summon?
No, they will not; you need to subscribe to the zero-title databases as described in the tables above.
2. Why would I subscribe to the title AND the zero-title database, for example, JoVE Behavior?
For example, you may want the 360 MARC record for the title, so you would subscribe to the title in Journal of Visualized Experiments (DBID:223). Since you may also want the title available in Summon, you would subscribe to the database JoVE Video Journal - JoVE Behavior (DBID: AIFFT).
Actions you may need to take:
- If you are a 360 Resource Manager, 360 Counter, or Intota client, you may need to make some changes to your account settings:
- Article last edited: 10-Aug-2020