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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

NERS 2024 - Content Requests - Status Page

As part of the NERS 2024 content requests, a number of new content requests were voted asking Ex Libris to reach out ot content providers and ask them to add their content to Ex Libris Knoledgebases. Following are the NERS content requests and their status.

The "expected release" indicated within the "Status" column is tentative and may change. Once the collection will be released, the release date will be indicated.

Request Link to Idea Exchange Ex Libris internal case ID Status
Add WIT Press eLibrary Idea Exchange CON-171165


WIT Press eLibrary - Journals

Collection ID: 614970000000000865

WIT Press eLibrary - Books

Collection ID: 614970000000000864 Idea Exchange CON-172259


Collection ID: 614920000000005995

Publicera Idea Exchange CON-170638


Publicera OA Journals, Collection ID: 616210000000000087

Human Rights Watch reports Idea Exchange CON-170632

Completed as zero-title database:

Human Rights Watch reports

Collection ID: 615400000000000624

Bibliothèque numérique francophone Idea Exchange CON-170634 Provider was not responsive, closing this request.
Amnesty International reports Idea Exchange CON-170636

Completed as zero-title database:

Amnesty International reports
Collection ID:  615400000000000620.

KUT - Kaunas University of Technology Press

Idea Exchange


Idea Exchange

CON-171060 In communication with the provider.
Digitale SAP Bibliothek / Espresso Tutorials Idea Exchange CON-171320


Metadata most suitable for CDI.

Will be added to CDI by end of August 2024, a zero-title database available for activation: 

ESPRESSO_TUTORIALS (dbid: EKDBI), which will be mapped to the new CDI feed.


Lexbase Idea Exchange CON-171321 Provider was not responsive, closing this request.
Connect database (Editions Diamond) Idea Exchange CON-171322

Provider was not responsive, closing this request.

Swisslex Idea Exchange CON-171725 The provider is not able to send metadata.
Unversitätsverlag Winter Journals
Idea Exchange CON-171724 The provider is not interested in sending metadata.
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