Analytics Evidence LCR2 - No Analysis for Courses with No Reading Lists or Citations Attached
Created By: IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group
Created on: 11/20/2018
Use case:
Users want a listing of courses which have no reading lists / citations attached because these courses need to be added manually during rollover procedures and it is time consuming to track down specific courses that have no reading lists/citations attached.
Additional information:
- Nov 2017 - SalesForce cases 404162, 424485 both address this concern.
- SalesForce Case 404162 has resulted in a Knowledge Article which states open courses with no citations cannot be found due to the current star schema design of the course reserves subject area.
priority: high
status: open
subject area: course reserves
From the IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group, Analytics Evidence Document
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