Analytics Evidence LCR3 - Course Reserves Subject Area Missing Attributes
The Course Reserves Subject Area is missing attributes for determining:
- if a citation has demand in other lists
- retrieving the description of a citation that has a new note alert
- determining if an uploaded document is present
Use case:
With these attributes, users will be able to identify potentially high demand items (demand in other lists), see trends in information provided or requests in notes when an alert is present, and potentially count or identify uploaded documents.
All of these areas will also be helpful for reading list maintenance activities.
Additional information:
4 Jul 2017 - Ex Libris states that Yoel needs to check the possibility of reporting on demand in other lists as this is currently an “Alert” on a citation and there may not be a parameter holding the information.
status: in process
priority: high
subject area: course reserves
From the IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group, Analytics Evidence Document
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