CKB IRDs "Inheritance Logic"
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 3
We thought that if you copy an IRD from the Central to a local institution ('local'), it keeps the Source ID (eg. ckb02489) regardless of the configuration you link it to.
We have found lately that if you unlink the local (replicated) IRD from it's config, it erases the Source ID.
Is this correct?
My understanding was that the Source ID is kept to allow central IRD CKB changes to flow through to the replicated ones.
If you have a local IRD that was replicated from a CKB IRD, the local IRD has the CKB IRD's ID in its "Source ID" field.
The Source ID field is used to link to the "Resource Configuration Notes" and "Search Hints for the User (CKB)" fields from the CKB IRD when the /M user clicks on the <?> button in the local IRD.
The "Resource Configuration Notes" and "Search Hints (CKB)" are only correct if the local IRD is linked to the CKB configuration. Therefore, when the local IRD is disconnected from the CKB configuration, the link between the local IRD and the CKB IRD is also broken.
To re-establish the link between a local IRD and a CKB resource, use the Global Update function "Switch to CKB Configuration".
If you want to TEMPORARILY remove the link to the CKB configuration, change the IRD's "Link to Configuration Active?" field to "No"; that field can be changed to "No" directly in each IRD or via the Global Update function "Change Link to Configurations".
Additional Information
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013