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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Can User Group Be Added Any Time After MetaLib Implementation?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: MetaLib
    • Product Version: 4

    Can a user group be added at any time, say a year or two, after MetaLib has been implemented?

    Yes, absolutely. User groups can be added at any time.

    If a site needs to add a user group to limit access to a set of their resources (or to map a separate group of users to a new portal), their authentication system must provide the details necessary to map and differentiate if any user is a member of this user group or not.

    For example, if the site uses LDAP as their main authentication system, the LDAP server must be able to send back to PDS and MetaLib a specific borrower status or additional patron attribute that can be used to define membership in a user group. This attribute will be returned within the PDS BOR_INFO service. For LDAP, all the patron attributes that are being requested back to MetaLib are defined within the PDS file = pds/conf_table/ldap_institutioncode.conf.

    See in the DocPortal: “How to Create User Groups in MetaLib”.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013