Change SFX ALT Tags
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
How can we change the SFX ALT tags to read something other than "SFX" etc.
It is best to only change the ALT and TITLE tags via vi www_const.eng. There, find the "SFX" line and change the content after the "--" to your chosen text.
However, there are some pages where the SFX tag also contains a document number ("//SFX\\ //Document number \\ $0800")
If you want to change the complete tag, not just the SFX section, then remember:
[1] Both the ALT and TITLE tags should be changed.
[2] As always, be sure to make a backup copy of the file (eg, cp -p meta-3-body meta-3-body.20081231ab) before making any changes.
In order to change the SFX icons' ALT tags to contain other text from within the HTML, look for occurrences of v-sfx.png and v-sfx-1.png (the SFX icon images) in the following files: (meta-3-body, my-ejournals-1-body, find-db-6-body, eshelf-2-body, full-record-view
* eshelf-2-body
* find-db-6-body
* meta-3-body
* my-ejournals-1-body
* quick-3-body
Sample Line:
<a href="&server_vir?func=full-service-sfx&doc_number=$0700&line_number=0000&service_type=REC&P04=0000" onclick='javascript:open_window_sfx("&server_vir?func=full-service-sfx&doc_number=$0700&line_number=0000&service_type=REC&P04=0000");return false;' ><img src="&icon_path_&lng/v-sfx.png" alt="//SFX\\ //Document number \\ $0800" title="//SFX\\ //Document number \\ $0800"></a>
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013