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    Is it feasible to add a third search box in the advanced search tab?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: MetaLib
    • Product Version: 4

    Is it feasible to add a third search box in the advanced search tab?
    The form is found in 'quick-1-body-advanced' (relevant code below).
    I'm wondering if the backend script could handle a third term?
    Would we also need to define a new set of values?

    <div id="searchForm">
    <form id="form1" method="get" action="&server_vir">
    <input type="hidden" name="func" value="quick-1-check1">
    <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="advanced">
    <div id="form_params">
    <legend>//Search in Fields\\</legend>
    <table cellspacing="5">
    <td><label for="find_code_2" accesskey="a">//Field\\:</label>
    <select name="find_code_2" id="find_code_2">
    <option value="WRD" $$0400-S"WRD">//All Fields\\</option>
    <option value="WSU" $$0400-S"WSU">//Subject\\</option>
    <option value="WTI" $$0400-S"WTI">//Title\\</option>
    <option value="WAU" $$0400-S"WAU">//Author\\</option>
    <option value="ISSN" $$0400-S"ISSN">//ISSN\\</option>
    <option value="ISBN" $$0400-S"ISBN">//ISBN\\</option>
    <option value="WYR" $$0400-S"WYR">//Year\\</option>
    <label for="find_request_2" accesskey="b">//Value\\:</label>
    <input id="find_request_2" name="find_request_2" type="text" class="form" maxlength="100" value="$0500" size="24">
    <td><label for="find_op_1" class="labeloff" accesskey="c">//Logical Operator\\:</label>
    <select name="find_op_1" id="find_op_1">
    <option value="AND" $$0300-S"AND">//AND\\</option>
    <option value="OR" $$0300-S"OR">//OR\\</option>
    <option value="NOT" $$0300-S"NOT">//NOT\\</option>
    <td><label for="find_code_3" accesskey="d">//Field\\:</label>
    <select name="find_code_3" id="find_code_3">
    <option value="WRD" $$0700-S"WRD">//All Fields\\</option>
    <option value="WSU" $$0700-S"WSU">//Subject\\</option>
    <option value="WTI" $$0700-S"WTI">//Title\\</option>
    <option value="WAU" $$0700-S"WAU">//Author\\</option>
    <option value="ISSN" $$0700-S"ISSN">//ISSN\\</option>
    <option value="ISBN" $$0700-S"ISBN">//ISBN\\</option>
    <option value="WYR" $$0700-S"WYR">//YEAR\\</option>
    <label for="find_request_3" accesskey="f">//Value\\:</label>
    <input name="find_request_3" type="text" size="24" maxlength="100" value="$0800" id="find_request_3">

    We currently do not support a third search box because only a small percentage of the CKB resources support three search terms.
    If this percentage increases, it is likely that including a third box would be revisited.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013