Removing Language Icon (or Any Other Action Icon)
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
How can I remove the language icon?
in MetaLib v4:
(see METALIB VERSION 4.1.X Customization Guide, 15 Removing an Action Icon)
To remove one of the action icons functions, such as Change Portal, Change Language, Login, or Help from the MetaLib navigation bar thereby disabling users from accessing these functions, follow this step:
Every action icon in the navigation bar has a different ID. The IDs are:
#actionIconsLang: for Change Language
#actionIconsEnv: for Change Portal
#actionIconsLogin: for Login
#actionIconsLogout: for Logout AND End Session (both)
#actionIconsHelp: for Help
All this selectors have the display property set to "inline". In order to hide a module, set the value of display to "none".
In order to ONLY remove the End Session icon, the change must be made, as described below (in MetaLib v3), in the navigation-guest file. Comment the following rows:
<li id="actionIconsLogout">
<a href="&server_vir?func=file&file_name=end-session-confirm&back_func=$5000" title="//End session\\" accesskey="e" onclick="javascript:loadmenu('&server_vir?func=file&file_name=end-session-confirm', 270, 150); return false;">//v_end_session\\<span class="ActionText">//End Session\\</span></a>
To restore a removed action icon, change the display value to "inline" for the previously removed icon and save metalib.css.
To change the icon into text, see SKB-16384-11137.
in MetaLib v3:
In order to remove the list of languages from the user interface, edit the two files: navigation and navigation-guest.
Find the "menu-lng" section in the file.
Comment out the menu line that refers to “menu-lng”:
<!-- <A HREF="javascript.void(0)" onclick="return wrapContent(event, this.href, 0, 0, '<IFRAME NAME=frame SRC=&server_vir?func=menu-lng WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=73 BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>',110)" onmouseover="document.language.src='&icon_path_&lng/v-language_on.gif'" onmouseout="document.language.src='&icon_path_&lng/v-language.gif'">//v_lng\\</A>-->
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013