UTIL-K-4 Copying QuickSets
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
Can we copy QuickSets from one user to another within the same institution?
UTIL-K-4 is a new utility that allows you to copy QuickSets from one user to another within same institution. It was added in the v3.13 Service Pack (SP item 12).
Note that both user IDs must be in UPPER CASE.
1) On the server, logged in as the “metalib” user, dlib to the vir00 library and then dr to vir00’s data root.
>> dlib vir00
>> dr
The current working directory can be confirmed by issuing the “pwd” command.
>> pwd
2) Run the util command at the prompt:
>> util
3) Select K. MetaLib Users Management
4) Select 4. Copy QuickSets
The following screen output demonstrates the process of copying institutional QuickSets in institution = UNIV.
The output confirms that 3 QuickSets owned by User ID = SUPPORTUSER are copied to User ID = SUPPORTUSER-TEST.
K. MetaLib Users Management
0. Exit procedure
1. Run Metalib Alerts Report
2. Run Metalib Users Loader
3. Delete Expired Users
4. Copy QuickSets
Please select [exit]: 4
exporting z122 ...
> Enter Institution (or q to exit)
Load : /exlibris/metalib/m3_1/vir00/tab/tab_institute
> Copy QuickSets from User Id (or q to exit)
Source User Id doesn't exist
> Copy QuickSets from User Id (or q to exit)
> Copy QuickSets to User Id (or q to exit)
3 sets copied successfully from SUPPORTUSER to SUPPORTUSER-TEST
type ENTER to continue...
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013