What are the MetaLib User and Management Interface URLs?
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
What are the MetaLib User/UI (/V) and Management Interface (/M) URLs?
To find the URLs, run the following commands on the server.
(in this example, the user URL would be: http://example.exlibrisgroup.com:8338/V)
>> pdsroot
>> cd program
>> grep httpd PDSDefinitions
our ($server_httpd) = "http://example.exlibrisgroup.com:8338";
our ($pds_icon) = "$server_httpd/$pds_html_form"."\/icon";
>> cat PDSDefinitions
our ($server_httpd) = "http://example.exlibrisgroup.com:8332";
our ($server_httpsd) = "https://example.exlibrisgroup.com:443";
our ($server_pds) = "http://example.exlibrisgroup.com:8332/pds";
our ($pds_directory) = "/exlibris/metalib/m4_2/pds";
our ($pds_programs) = "$pds_directory"."\/program";
our ($pds_html_form) = "$pds_directory"."\/html_form";
our ($pds_conf_table) = "$pds_directory"."\/conf_table";
our ($pds_proc) = "$pds_directory"."\/service_proc";
our ($pds_icon) = "$server_httpd/$pds_html_form"."\/icon";
our ($logdir_directory) = "/exlibris/metalib/m4_2/log";
our ($tmp_directory) = "/exlibris/metalib/m4_2/tmp";
our ($debug) = "N";
our ($exlibrisgateway) = "N";
our ($default_con_lng) = "ENG";
our ($pds_files) = "$pds_directory"."\/pds_files";
our ($pds_cookie_exp) = "0M";
our ($pds_utf_prog) = "/exlibris/metalib/m4_2/aleph/exe/pds_utf_file_name";
if ($debug ne 'Y') {
$debug = '';
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013