What is the MetaLib Policy Regarding the Links to Records in Native Interface?
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 3
Links to the vendor's database may lead the MetaLib end-user to different access points within the vendor's native interface - either directly to the document detail which often has the full text, or to the search form within the native interface.
The Resource Name links lead an end-user to the IRD's "Link to Native Interface" from the Table and Brief view formats, and to the IRD's "Link to Records in Native Interface" when accessed from the record's Full view. Whenever the "Link to Records in Native Interface" in the resource IRD is empty, the Full view link will also lead an end-user to the IRD's "Link to Native Interface".
The fields "Link to Records in the Native Interface" and "Link to Holdings in Native Interface" are not maintained in the CKB IRDS, since different customers require different levels and types of linking. We only provide recommendations for these links, and only if this information is supplied by the vendor. Each customer may decide to remove the contents from the local IRD's "Link to Records in Native Interface" in order to achieve consistency in all record formats and get to the desired page in the native interface..
Additional Information
IRD, Link to Records in Native Interface
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013