Displaying Usage Rights in Primo VE Full Record Display with links to licences
Using Alma Digital we wanted to use Quick Access in the full records so that users are not forced to open the Alma Viewer to see the objects.
Best-practice for Creative Commons licences is to display them with a link to the licence on the object's metadata page, however, 540 (terms of use) and 542 (copyright) tags are not displayed in the Primo VE full record view by default.
We had a lot of CC licenced material in Alma Digital, as well as some that we had permission to make available provided we displayed the copyright owner's name as well. We put the copyright owners name in the 542 field when required, and put the CC and other licence types in the 540 tag with the URL going into subfield u.
To make them display in Primo VE we made use of local fields in Configuration > Discovery > Display and Local Fields.
- Add a new local field (and keep note of its number as you will need to reference that in the normalization rules).
- In the MARC21 Fields section add 540 and 542 tags
- In the MARC21 normalization rule for display we used this:
rule "Primo VE - Lds03"
priority 3
MARC is "542"
create pnx."display"."lds03" with MARC "542" subfields
endrule "Primo VE - Lds03-2"
priority 2
MARC."540" has any "a,f,u" AND
(MARC."540"."a" match ".*" AND MARC."540"."u" match ".*" AND MARC."540"."f" match ".*")
set TEMP"1" to MARC."540" subfields "u"
set TEMP"2" to MARC."540" subfields "f"
add suffix (TEMP"2","</a>")
add suffix (TEMP"1","\">")
add prefix (TEMP"1","<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"")
concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"2","")
set TEMP"3" to MARC."540" subfields "a"
concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"3",TEMP"1",". ")
create pnx."display"."lds03" with TEMP"3"
Note how the code references "lds03". You will need to change this to match the number of your local field. If the 540 contains all three subfields a,u and f then it will display a link to the licence. If those fields are not all contained then it just displays them as text.rule "Primo VE - Lds03-3"
priority 1
MARC is "540" AND NOT
(MARC."540"."a" match ".*" AND MARC."540"."u" match ".*" AND MARC."540"."f" match ".*")
create pnx."display"."lds03" with MARC "540" subfields
NB. It is also possible to display this information in the Alma viewer metadata area for both MARC and Dublin Core records by configuring Fulfillment > Delivery Metadata Profiles.
- In the MARC profile enable use_and_reproduction and copyrights_status. NB. Linking is not supported there. However, the copyright icon now opens to display any of the Copyrights Statements Digital - that are associated with representations in Alma D. These include linking to licences.
- In the Qualified Dublin core profile enable any of the terms or use or rights fields that you use at your institution. eg. dcterms:rights; dc:rights; dcterms:rightsHolder