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    Deploy Views fails

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Primo

    Problem Symptoms:
    Deploy views fails

    Incomplete view configuration (Tile and Tab configuration).
    When a new tab is created there is no default configuration in both:
    "Tab Configuration" and "Tile Configuration" screens for that tab.

    1. Go to:
    Primo Home > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Views Wizard
    2. Edit the relevant view.
    3. Go through the various configurations and make sure everything is configured properly.
    4. Save and continue until you reach the "Tab Configuration" screen.
    5. Edit each Tab in the list and make sure it has at least one scope defined.
    6. Save each Tab after adding a scope.
    7. Click on "Continue" to go to "Tile List" screen.
    8. Edit each tile in the list and check that for "Media Type" and "Field" sections there is at least
    one item selection for every tab ("Display" and "Default").
    9. Save and continue.
    10. Deploy.

    Category: BO Configuration

    Subject: Views Wizard

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013