Hide "Suggested New Searches" values from Primo Facet List
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
- Product Version: 4
Desired Outcome Goal:
Hide the Suggested New Searches options ("by this author/creator" and "on this subject") from bottom of the Facet tile.
1. Open a new or customized version of the .css file using a text editor (e.g. notepad)
2. Add the following line to css file > .EXLRelatedSearchTopic {display:none;}
3. Save the txt file with an .css extension (eg:yourinstitution.css) as a local file
4. Upload the customized css file to the Primo server using the file-uploader tool: Primo Home > Primo Utilities > File Uploader
5. Clear the browser cache.
6. Search the Primo view to retrieve a list of brief results
7. Scroll to the bottom of the Facet list to confirm that the "Suggested New Searches" options are hidden.
Category: Front End- Primo
Subject: Look and Feel - Primo
- Article last edited: 7/11/2014