How are multiple ISBNs / EISBNs sent and mapped in the OpenURL
- Product: Primo ; Primo VE
How are multiple ISBNs / EISBNs sent and mapped in the OpenURL?
The new feature has been added in Primo August 2021 Release & Primo VE August 2021 Release.
Previously, only the first ISBN and EISBN were used to retrieve electronic services available. With this enhancement, Primo and Primo VE will include additional ISBNs and EISBNs (up to five each) to the OpenURL request using the new parameters rft.isbn_list and rft.eisbn_list.
The new openurl parameters rft.isbn_list and rft.eisbn_list do not need to be added into the delivery templates, as they are being populated automatically, when there are multiple ISBN/EISBN values found in the PNX record, addata section.
Example of the PNX record having multiple ISBN/EISBN fields in the addata section:
<au>Todri-Sanial, Aida</au>
<au>Dijon, Jean</au>
<au>Maffucci, Antonio</au>
<btitle>Carbon Nanotubes for Interconnects</btitle>
<pub>Springer International Publishing AG</pub>
For this record, the openurl will be populated automatically with the new parameters:
The ISBNs / EISBNs values are mapped based on the sequential order given in the PNX record.
The number of all ISBNs that are sent in total is a maximum of 10 ISBNs / EISBNs.
- Article last edited: 28-Jul-2021