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    How does the Primo Title Browse Search work?

    • Product: Primo



    How does the browse search for title work


    The Browse search is only looking for what is in the Browse section of the PNX.

    For the title field in the Browse section of the PNX, the following subfields are mandatory:

    $$D - The display form of the heading, which you can see in the Front End
    $$E - Normalized form of the title used for searching

    OTB the Normalization Rules for the browse/title field use the transformation "drop non-filing text" for indicator 2, when adding subfield $$E.
    This means that the normalization rules will remove leading articles from the title browse index.

    For example, this is the source record:
    245 14$aThe old man and the sea

    For this record, indicator 2 has a value of 4, so the leading "the" is dropped from the normalized form of the title.

    Hence, the PNX will then contain:
    <title>$$DThe old man and the sea $$Eold man and the sea </title>

    Since the $$E does not contain the leading article, the title can't be found when browsing with the leading article in the search term.

    Additional information

    Normalization Rules for Browse


    • Article last edited: 02-Nov-2020
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