Watchdog email sends wrong URL/link to the component
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
Problem Symptoms:
- Watchdog email received is:
This is Exlibris system message.
Watchdog has encountered a problem in module PRIMO.fe.Front End on <<date and time>>
- When clicking on the URL provided, user receives the following message:
"Sorry, we could not define your view. The URL has either an unexistent view or is missing the view parameter at all. "
- The URL provided is not complete, and should be:
The index.jsp contained under <<fe_web>> does not hold the full suffix to the URL and therefore no view is defined.
1. On FE server(s) go to <<fe_web>>
2. Edit file index.jsp
3. Edit the below line as follows:
<c:redirect context="/primo_library" url="/libweb/action/<<vid>>"/>
4. For example to redirect to the default view:
<c:redirect context="/primo_library" url="/libweb/action/"/>
5. Save changes
6. Deploy changes
7. Restart FE component(s)
- Article last edited: 12/18/2013