Configuring Display Labels for Library Notices Opt-In for Primo VE
The Library Notices Opt In Display code table (Configuration Menu > Discovery > Library Card Configurations > Library Notices Opt In Display) enables you to customize/translate the display labels for the Library Notices that appear under the Patron Selected Notices field in Alma's User Details (see Adding Users) and in My Library Card > Personal Details for Primo VE. For information on how to configure which library notices permit users to opt-in/out, see Configuring Library Notices Opt-In.

Library Notices Opt In Code Table
The Default Value field and the Move up/down row actions are not supported and have no effect on the display of these labels in the UI.
To customize/translate the display labels for library notices opt in/out:
From the Filter drop-down above the table, select the display language for which you will enter a translation value.
In the Description field for each library notice, specify the English display label, which can be configured using any language filter.
In the Translation field for each library notice, specify the display label's translation when using any language filter except for the English filter.
Select Save.