Go VE: Configuration Best Practices
Primo VE has been designed to simplify the configuration and customization processes and to utilize Alma's platform capabilities. This page provides an overview of the configuration documentation that you can use to transfer your Primo configuration to Primo VE, which is mainly performed in the Discovery module on your Alma server and describes the best practices for configuring your Primo VE environment.
Go VE Tips and Best Practices
When you begin configuring data for the move to Primo VE, make sure that you consider the following:
Check Primo VE default configuration – OOTB configuration is extended, based on common customer’s Primo configuration. For example, fields that were created locally in Primo, are mapped by default in Primo VE such as location facets, search by call number, and relations field.
Understand what Primo VE offers for your needs – the tools have been redesigned for simpler configuration, and platform capabilities have been merged with Alma to automate many of the processes performed in Primo.
When copying your Primo configuration to Primo VE, avoid trying to configure the data in the same way as it was done in Primo, but instead utilize Primo VE's capabilities and focus on the best way to expose your data for discovery in Primo VE.
The Go VE documentation – guides you how to make the most of the capabilities and the best way to configure things, for example, local links in Primo are defined as local field when in Primo VE it is part of the Alma GES configuration. To learn more about differences in Primo VE, see Differences in Primo VE and Feature Alignment Plan.
Your chance to re-organize your Discovery – it is a time to analyze your Primo setup and consider improving organization and visibility to maximize the material’s discovery to your users.
Documentation Structure
The documentation for Go VE contains many guides on how to convert your Primo setup to Primo VE, each of which contains the following sections:
Background – Summarizes the configuration and operational differences between Primo and Primo VE for a specific type of data to help with the transition to a new back-end module under Alma. In addition, it provides links to related Primo VE training sessions and documentation if you need more explanation.
Preparation – Provides information on how to locate and gather existing setup in Primo to be used to copy the setup in Primo VE.
Configuration – Provides basic steps and examples to help you in the configuration of the collected data in Primo VE.