General Configuration Wizard
Accessing and Using the General Configuration Wizard
On the Back Office's home page, select Advanced Configuration.
The Advanced Configuration page opens.
Advanced Configuration Page -
Select General Configuration Wizard.
The General Configuration page opens.
General Configuration Page -
Select a subsystem from the Sub System drop-down list.
The subsystem's fields appear in the Sub System area. -
Edit the fields according to the following subsystems:
Subsystem Field Descriptions If the selected subsystem is Refer to the following table for a list of fields: AlertsBack OfficeClient IPDeliveryEmail and SMS ConfigurationInstallationPrimo UIPublishingRemote SearchRTASecurity Security Parameters StatisticsThresholdsTo edit the details of another subsystem, select that subsystem from the Sub System drop-down list.
Select Save & Continue to update the subsystem details.
On the Deploy All page (Primo Home > Deploy All), select the System Configuration option and then select Deploy.
Alerts Parameters
The following table describes the fields for the Alerts subsystem:
Field name | Description | Format |
E-Mailing Frequency (in days)
Determines how often users will receive an email. An email will be sent only if a sufficient number of days has passed.
Beginning with the April 2015 release, you can disable alert emails by specifying a 0 in this field.
Number of items included in alert
Indicates the maximum number of records (not to exceed 50) to include in alerts. The default is 25 records.
Schedule Days
The days on which the system will check to see if there are new records for the alert queries. The valid values are SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, and SAT.
The first three letters of the name of the day. To specify a more than one day, separate the days with a comma.
For example: MON,TUE,WED
Schedule Hour
The hour at which the system will check to see if there are new records for the alert queries. The valid values are 0 to 23.
number (such as 0, 1, and so forth)
Allows alert e-mails to be sent if SMTP authentication does not require a login and password.
If SMTP does not use a login and password for authentication, set this field to false to allow alert e-mails to be sent without authentication.
Changes to this field require the FE server to be restarted.
true or false
Back Office Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
Filter by Institution
This field indicates whether the system will filter areas of the Back Office user interface.
If this field is set to true, the system will filter the following pages in the Back Office user interface for all staff users that are associated with a specific institution:
Display BO A-Z List
This field indicates whether to display the A-Z list filters above the lists on the Data Sources Configuration and Pipe Monitoring pages. To display the A-Z filters, specify true.
Client IP Parameters
The following table describes the fields for the Client IP subsystem. It allows you to specify an IP from a specific header in the request.
If any of the Delimiter, Header Number, and Index In IP Group fields are not specified or incorrect, the system will use the remote address of the request. If the IP found is not valid, Primo will use the remote address IP of the request.
Modify the following parameters as needed:
Client IP Field name Description Example Client IP Proxy Header
The IP header name.
If the request contains several IPs, this field allows you to specify the delimiter (such as a comma) used to separate each IP.
Header Number
If the request contains multiple headers, this parameter allows you specify the position number of the header in the request. The valid values are 1 to n, where n is any whole number greater than 1.
For example, if you want to use the first header in the request, enter 1.
Index In IP Group
If the request contains multiple IP addresses, this parameter allows you specify the position number of the IP address in the list. The valid values are 1 to n, where n is any whole number greater than 1.
For example, if you want to use the first IP address in the list, enter 1.
Select Save & Continue.
Deploy the System Configuration option on the Deploy All page (Primo Home > Deploy All).
Restart the FE.
Delivery Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
Always check if also Physical Item
This field indicates whether the system will always check to see if an item has a physical resource and provide GetIt links for both online and physical resources if both exist. The following values are valid:
The default value is Y.
For institution-specific searches, this parameter indicates whether the availability of the library should be based on the institution, not the user's institution. The following values are valid:
The default value is Y.
The system determines if a search scope is institution-specific by checking all of the individual search scope values within the search scope and checking that their type is defined on the Primo Home > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Pipe Configuration Wizard > Scope Values Configuration path/page. An institution-specific search scope is one in which only one institution type search scope value has been defined.
This means that only scopes that represent real institutions should be assigned the institution type. An institution that represents a “central” institution which was created, for example, for shared online resources should be assigned the other type.
For library-specific searches, this parameter indicates whether the availability of the library should be based on the library, not the user's institution. The following values are valid:
The default value is Y.
The system determines if a search scope is library-specific by checking all of the individual search scope values within the search scope and checking that their type is defined on the Pipe Configuration Wizard > Scope Values Configuration path/page. A library-specific search scope is one in which only one library type search scope value has been defined.
This means that only scopes that represent physical libraries should be assigned the library type. Libraries that include only online resources should be assigned the other type.
Shared User Database & Resource sharing
For OPAC via Primo configurations, this field indicates whether institutions in a multi-institution site share a database and resources. The following values are valid:
For more information on setting this parameter, see the section on configuring OPAC via Primo in the Primo Interoperability Guide.
This parameter indicates whether the system should use the SFX Rapid Service Indicator (RSI) API instead of the Journal Subscription Information (JSI) API to check if remote search records have full-text or not. Enter Y to use RSI. The default value is N.
RSI is much more accurate than JSI, because it can use additional identifiers (in addition to ISSN/ISBN) to solve scenarios where the SFX JSI returned no full text when in fact there was full text. However, some discrepancies still remain because RSI does not support a check based on the title.
Because this parameter applies to all Primo institutions, you must upgrade all instances of SFX to RSI. RSI is available with the April 2009 SFX revision and later releases.
Email and SMS Configuration Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
Activate Captcha [Y/N]
Set this field to Y to activate the Google reCaptcha method to secure e-mail and feebacks from the Give Us Feedback Tool in Primo. The valid values are Y and N.
In addition, you must configure the Private Captcha Key and Public Captcha Key fields. |
The Back Office administrator's e-mail address.
If a process (such as a pipe, slice, or search agent) fails, an e-mail message is sent to this e-mail address.
This parameter is overridden by the settings in the E-Mail Addresses mapping table at both the installation and institution levels (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Mapping Tables).
Country Code for SMS
Indicates the country code used for SMS.
Leave this field blank if your site works with many countries. In this case, the user must specify a country code.
E-Mail Sender
This field allows you to define the sender for Watchdog e-mails. This field defaults to the following:
Maximum SMS per message
Indicates the maximum number of messages that can be sent in a session. The default is 2.
Private Captcha Key
Enter the private key to enable the reCaptcha security in Primo.
To request the keys, log on to your Google account at the following URL:
For more information on Google registration, see How to get reCaptcha keys. |
Public Captcha Key
Enter the public key to enable the reCaptcha security in Primo.
To request the keys, log on to your Google account at the following URL:
For more information on Google registration, see How to get reCaptcha keys. |
SMS Default Institution
Indicates the default institution used for SMS.
The IP address or the host name of the server that provides the SMTP service.
Local host
The password used if the SMTP server requires a user login.
The user name used if the SMTP server requires a user login.
Installation Parameters
The following table describes the fields for the Installation subsystem.
Field name | Description | Example |
The number of days after which cleanup is performed.
Console Status Url
The servlet status URL.
It is used in case the JMX information for the current threads is not available.
Display Initial
Indicates whether the Initial Configuration option is displayed in the main menu.
On/ Off
Display Ongoing
Indicates whether the Ongoing Configuration option is displayed in the main menu.
On/ Off
Help Base URL
The base URL of the FE help pages.
[Currently not active.]
This parameter enables the application to connect to servers using the SSL protocol even when those servers do not have a valid certificate. This may be useful for scenarios (such as testing) in which a certificate is not required.
A change to this parameter will take effect only after restarting the FE server.
Installation Logo
The installation logo.
Primo Back Office
Installation Name
The name of the Installation.
Installation Type
The type of installation.
The type of multiple FE configuration used. The following values are valid:
For more information on multiple FE configurations, see the Primo System Administration Guide.
A comma-separated list of the FE servers that are used in a multiple FE configuration, including the primary FE. Use the following format:
<server_name>:<port> [, ...]</port></server_name>
The fully-qualified name and port of the FE server acting as the primary server in a multiple FE configuration. Use the following format:
Parallel Processing of Pipes Mode
Indicates the mode used to run pipes in parallel. The following modes are valid:
For more information, see Parallel Processing of Pipes.
Harvesting, NEP
Contains a comma-separated list of host names of the Primo Provisioning System, which is used to automatically create a Primo environment for new customers. It is not relevant to customers already working with Primo.
Primo Central Adaptor Version
The Primo Central adapter version.
Primo Service Pack
The service pack used with the Primo system.
Primo Version Number
The version number of the Primo system.
Used to determine the number of pipes (number of threads / 4) Primo allows to run in parallel. Out of the box, this parameter is set to 8 (two pipes).
If you have the resources and want to raise this value, we suggest doing it in phases. For example, raise the value to 12 to make sure the pipes perform well. If pipes perform well, continue incrementing the value by 4 to determine the maximum number of pipes your environment can run in parallel.
The more pipes running in parallel does not only affect the BO machine’s load, it also causes more load on the DB machine. Make sure that you also consider the performance of the DB machine when increasing the number of threads.
A change to this parameter requires you to restart the Back Office.
Indicates whether the process should automatically run indexing after running a pipe.
True/ False
Indicates whether the process should automatically run indexing and did-u-mean after running a pipe.
True/ False
Requests sent to third-party providers (such as Amazon, Google, and Syndetics) to retrieve thumbnails is sent through a proxy server. In case there are several thumbnail links for a record, the following templates are given precedence:
1) syndetics_thumb 2) syndetics_thumb_exl (new template) 3) Google templates 4) Other providers Note: Amazon thumbnail requests will no longer be sent for customers who use the out-of-the-box template code. |
Redirect View
Indicates whether the system should change views without first terminating the session.
Reporting Base URL
The URL of the reporting base.
The Base URL of the reporting tool.
Reports URL
The URL of the reports list.
Request Thread Pool Name
The locate thread pool object name.
Search Statistics Report URL
The URL of the list of search statistics reports displayed in the monitoring area of the site.
Show ICP License Footer |
When set to Yes for Chinese environments, the ICP (Internet Content Provider) license is displayed in the footer on each page in the new Primo UI. The default is No. |
Yes |
Spare Requests Threads Threshold
The minimum spare threads threshold from the maximum thread pool.
If the maximum number of threads is set to 360, Primo will start blocking requests at 310.
Start Monitoring Threads Threshold
Interval from the maximum threads threshold to start monitoring.
Defines the threshold for monitoring requests and verifies whether there are equal requests from the same IP.
Starvation Mode
Indicates how indexing and the execution of the Dedup_Frbr pipe is handled during parallel processing of pipes. The following options are valid: By Schedule (default) and Force.
It is not necessary to perform a deploy or restart the Back Office after changing this parameter.
For more information, see Starvation Mode.
System Last Stage
The last stage of the system's Publishing Platform Process.
Use local fields 30-39 as lateral links
Indicates whether the local search fields are used for lateral links in the detailed display. The default value is Y.
If you do not want local search fields to be linkable, you must set this field to N.
If you make any changes to this field, you must restart the FE server.
For more information on configuring lateral links, refer to the Primo Technical Guide.
Primo UI Parameters
Field name | Description | Values |
For CJK customers who want to enable CJK encoding for Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), set this field to ON. Otherwise, set this field to OFF.
Client IP Proxy Header
This parameter is intended for sites that have an SSO via proxy configuration in which the IP of the client (such as the user) is always transformed to an on-campus IP by the proxy. As a result, IPs of off-campus guests that are not signed in are changed to an on-campus IP, giving these users access to restricted resources.
This flag should contain the HTTP Header parameter that contains the user's original IP so that Primo can use the original IP for authorization.
Default View
This is the default view that the system displays in the Front End if the view ID in the URL is missing or invalid. You can specify any view code that is defined in the Views wizard. By default, this field is set to UnknownView, which displays an error message that is defined with the following code in the View Labels code table:
If you have a single view or a main view, it is recommended to change the default value to the view’s code.
Indicates whether the Reviews function should be active in the Primo User Interface.
Indicates whether the Tags function should be active in the Primo User Interface.
Is Multilingual Interface
This field indicates whether filters are activated in the full record display to support a multilingual thesaurus in Primo.
The Multilingual Interface feature allows you to filter out the following display and facet fields in the full record display if the language code of the subject/facet match the language of the interface:
To implement this feature, the above display and facet fields must contain a $$8 code and language code (ISO 639 three letter code) in the PNX record, as follows:
display/subject Urban ecology$$$8eng
display/subject Ecologie urbane$$$8fre
display/subject Ekologie urbanische$$$8ger
facets/topic Urban ecology$$$8eng
facets/topic Ecologie urbane$$$8fre
facets/topic Ekologie urbanische$$$8ger
For example, if the interface language of the Front End user interface is French, the following subject will display in the full record display and the facets section:
Ecologie urbane
To disable this feature, set this field to false.
MetaLib Connection Timeout
Indicates the maximum time in seconds that Primo will wait for the resetting of MetaLib access authorizations.
For additional information, see Synchronizing MetaLib Access Information.
Always Prefer Online Resources in Multi-Institution Records
This field indicates whether preference is given to online resources when deduped records have multiple resource types. The default value is Y.
If this field is set Y, Primo will give preference to the “Online Resources” delivery category if the user has access to the online resource based on the defined restricted delivery scopes. If the user does not have access to the online resource, Primo will use the delivery category of the records that belong to the user's institution.
If this field is set N, Primo will always use the delivery category of the records that belong to the user's institution.
If restricted delivery scopes are not defined in Primo, you may want to set this flag to N. Otherwise, Primo will consider all online resource as not restricted even if users do not have access to the online resource.
Replace full width characters
Latin characters have two representations in Unicode: half- and full-width. Half-width characters are used most often. This option allows you to normalize full-width characters (which may be in use in Japan and other countries) to half-width characters (which is required by Primo).
If you modify this parameter, it is necessary to update the pipe and then re-index the relevant data sources.
If set to Y, it enables the system to convert UTF-8 full-width characters to half-width characters in the PNX so that the search engine can perform searches.
The default value is N.
Session Timeout
The time in minutes in which a session will time out due to inactivity. The valid values are 15 - 60 minutes. The default value is 30 minutes.
Session Timeout URL
This field specifies the page to which the user will be redirected after a session times out.
To configure the Session Timeout URL to be any file:
The system defaults to
Cloud |
Indicates whether Primo's front end defaults to the cloud or list view for tags.
Indicates whether to use SSL.
Publishing Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
default.timeout |
Defines the OAI harvesting timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
default.maxRetries |
Defines the number of times a publishing pipe will retry an OAI server after a failed request, such as if there is a connection error to the OAI server or the OAI server returned a 503 (service unavailable) response. The default value is 3.
Profile |
This field defines the file that is used by the dedup algorithm for articles matching.
MatchingProfile.xml |
This field defines the file that is used by the dedup algorithm for non-serials matching.
This field defines the file that is used by the dedup algorithm for serials matching.
This field defines the maximum size of an uncompressed file that is harvested.
To disable the limitation and accept any file size, change this parameter to -1, and then deploy the System Configuration option on the Deploy All page. Note that if you are using custom file-splitters that write the entire file to memory, the Back Office server may fail due to lack of memory if the files are too large.
MaxAllowedFailedBulks |
This field defines the maximum number of failed blocks that are allowed by the system.
The default value is 2.
PhysicallyDelete Record |
This field indicates whether the system will automatically remove records that have been marked for deletion in the P_PNX table.
Records that have been marked for deletion cannot be removed from the P_PNX table until the indexes in the search engine (SE) have been removed and the hotswapping process has been run. The physical_delete_records pipe has been created to delete PNX records that were updated between the last SE index run and the previous delete pipe run.
By default, the physical_delete_records pipe is enabled. To disable the pipe, set this field to false.
Note that Primo executes this pipe only after the execution of the following processes:
Remote Search Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
This parameter defines the maximum number of local results to retrieve in mixed search (local and remote). There is no limit on the maximum number.
Indicates the MetaLib version being used.
Timeout |
The length of time (in seconds) to perform a remote search. If the limit is exceeded, Primo returns the results that have already been retrieved. Further results can be displayed by clicking the Display more results link.
RTA Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
RTA method for mapping data
This field indicates which RTA method to use for mapping data. The following methods are valid:
If the normalization rules for your source system modify the location information in the display/availlibrary field, you should use the normalization_rules method.
For more information on RTA, see the Primo Interoperability Guide.
RTA Timeout
This field indicates how long Primo will wait to get the RTA information. The maximum supported value is 20 seconds, which is the default.
If an RTA request aborts because of a timeout, Primo displays the availability information that is stored in the PNX record.
Security Parameters
For Load Balancer (LB) environments with multiple front ends (MFE), it is important to configure the LB "X-FORWARDED-FOR" HTTP header. Otherwise, security will assume all search requests are coming from the LB and not the FEs, which could trigger the Alarm.
Field name | Description | Example |
Access Limit Long Time Period
The maximum duration in seconds that is allowed for the long term limit. The default value is 86400 seconds.
Access Limit Short Time Period
The maximum duration in seconds that is allowed for the short term limit. The default value is 60 seconds.
Active clickjack filter |
Indicates whether the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) recommended clickjacking filter has been enabled. It is used for adding an X-FRAME-OPTIONS HTTP response header to tell IE8 (and any other browsers) not to display content in a frame that is not from the same origin. The valid values are Y or N. The default value is N.
When the clickjacking filter is enabled, it prevents the use of embedded searches if using iframes.
Blocked List expiration Time
The amount of time in hours that an IP will be blocked. Note that the IP is unblocked when the FE is restarted. The default value is 24 hours.
IP DoS Filter-Enabled |
Indicates whether the automatic IP-based DoS filter is enabled. The following values are valid:
When this filter is enabled, the system automatically counts requests from IPs (which do not belong to a session). If the number of requests (mainly search attempts) exceeds the value specified for the IP DoS Filter-Max Allowed Requests parameter in the interval specified by the IP DoS Filter-Interval parameter, the IP will be blocked.
Because this filter does not identify a single user and campuses often use a single external IP (NAT), thresholds should be much higher.
Blocked users will not receive an informative error by design.
IP DoS Filter-Interval |
Indicates the interval (seconds) at which requests are counted for the IP-based filters: IPs to block and IP DoS Filter-Enabled.
IP DoS Filter-Max Allowed Requests |
Indicates the maximum number of requests permitted during the interval specified in the IP DoS Filter-Interval parameter.
IPs to block |
Indicates whether the manual IP-based DoS filter is enabled. You can specify a list of IP addresses and IP ranges to monitor by separating each address with a semicolon. For example:;80.192.69;80.193;81
Blocked users will not receive an informative error by design.
Long Term Access Limit
The maximum number of calls per IP (via API or browser) before IP is blocked to prevent Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The default value is 85000.
The long term limit is used to catch IPs that are consistently just below the access short term limit.
Session DoS Filter-Enabled |
Indicates whether the automatic session-based DoS filter is enabled. The following values are valid:
When this filter is enabled, the system automatically counts requests that have a session ID. If the number of requests (mainly search attempts) exceeds the value specified for the Session DoS Filter-Max Allowed Requests parameter in the interval specified by the Session DoS Filter-Interval parameter, the IP will be blocked.
Blocked users will not receive an informative error by design.
Session DoS Filter-Interval |
Indicates the interval (seconds) at which requests are counted for the session-based filter.
Session DoS Filter-Max Allowed Requests |
Indicates the maximum number of requests permitted during the interval specified in the Session DoS Filter-Interval parameter.
Short Term Access Limit
The maximum number of calls per IP (via API or browser) before IP is blocked to prevent Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The default value is 5000.
Statistics Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
Duration |
The length of time used while creating statistical reports.
Size |
The size of the batch used for creating statistical reports.
Thesholds Parameters
Field name | Description | Example |
High CPU Load
The maximum amount of loads allowed on the CPU.
High Used File System Space
The maximum percentage allowed of used file system space.
Low Free Table Space
The minimum percentage of free database space required.
Stops loops if Primo determines that the same request is received too many times for an application.