Creating a Permalink for a Record
The Permalink action in the Actions drop-down list (which was previously named Send to) in the search results and the e-Shelf/My Favorites allows end users to copy simplified deep links to individual records in their search results and e-Shelf/My Favorites.
Classic UI:
Permalink URL in Classic UIThe system uses the following simplified format to create the permalink, which is based on the deep link to the record’s full view:http://<Primo server+port>/<View ID>:<Search Scope Name>:<PNX record ID> -
New UI (For more information, see Disabling Short Permalinks in the New UI.):
Permalink URL in New UIThe system uses the following simplified format to create the permalink, which includes the record ID and a key:
<Primo Domain>/permalink/f/<key>/<record_ID>
Back Office Configuration
Table | Description |
Keeping this item Tile code table
The following codes allow you to modify the Permalink label that appears in the Permalink URL dialog box, the name of the Permalink option that appears in the Actions drop-down list, and the tool-tip, respectively:
New UI only: