The Availability Pipe
Data is harvested by the Primo publishing module using publishing pipes. Sites can have a regular and an availability pipe for ILS systems. A site may want to have two pipes in order to ensure that the availability information in the Primo system is as up-to-date as possible.
If the real-time availability option is used, an availability pipe is not necessary.
Because index slices need to be swapped, it is recommended to update Primo search indexes no more than twice a day. It is therefore necessary to have a separate pipe for availability. Availability information is stored in the PNX and, with one exception, is not indexed. Therefore, this data can be updated more frequently – even on an hourly basis. The exception is the availability status that is used to filter a search result; this is the Show only option that displays at the top of the results list and must be indexed.
The regular and availability pipes use the same normalization rules and require the same input. However, you can schedule each pipe separately.