This section describes linking to Voyager using the OPAC via Link method. If you use the OPAC via Primo method, refer to Configuring OPAC Via Primo.
Primo links to Voyager using URLs built from templates that are customized in Primo.
The base URL is the Voyager server IP address and port number of the Voyager server using the following format:
http://<server IP>:<port>
For example:
The base URL should be added for every Primo institution that uses Voyager. Use the Institution Wizard in the Primo Back Office (Primo Home > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Institution Wizard) to add the base URL information to the institution.
Typically the following links are used:
Link to Holdings
For delivery of physical items, the GetIt! request links to the Voyager system and displays bibliographic, holdings, and item information plus request options. The following URL template should be used:
This template is preconfigured in the software package you receive. The template name is voyager_holdings.
Using this template, Primo dynamically builds a URL for GetIt! requests.
The ils_base is based on the type of availability that is active and either the institution of the view, the institution of the search scope, or the user’s institution. For more information, refer to the Primo Concepts, Components, and Relationships section in the Primo Back Office Guide.
The Link to Holdings (voyager_holdings) template is also used in the Locations tab to link back to Voyager holdings. In this case, the institution used is always that of the record, which is based on the library-level availability fields.
For additional template configuration information, see the Primo Back Office Guide.
Back Link to Voyager
In the Front End full display of the item, Primo displays a link to the record in Voyager. This is the back link that links the user to the full record display in Voyager. The following URL template should be used:
This template is preconfigured in the software package you receive. The template name is voyager_backlink.
Using this template, Primo dynamically builds a URL for the full record display.
The ils_base used is that of the institution of the record, which is based on the library-level availability field from the display section, and if it is not present, the institution field from the delivery section.
For additional template configuration information, see the Primo Back Office Guide.
Link to My Library Card
The URL to link to the patron’s library card in Voyager should use the following URL template:
Using this template, Primo dynamically builds a URL for the full record display of the patron’s library card information.
The name of this URL template is my_library_card_voyager. Edit this template for the Voyager environment.
The my_library_card_voyager template is defined in the Templates mapping table (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Mapping Tables > Delivery). The ils_base is taken from the user’s institution.
The Primo Front End displays My Library Card only if the template has been correctly defined and enabled and the Enable My Library Card check box has been selected on the Views Wizard > Edit View Attributes page.
For additional template configuration information, see the Primo Back Office Guide.