MetaLib and Primo Restrictions
It is possible to create restricted delivery and search scopes in Primo based on restrictions in MetaLib.
Restricted Search and Delivery Scopes
In MetaLib, a switch determines two modes of authorization or working with restricted resources:
All resources can be searched but are locked. The user cannot use the resource.
The resources cannot be searched—for example, only authorized users will locate the resource.
In Primo if the site opted for the first option, Primo should create restricted delivery scopes. If the site opted for the second option, Primo should create restricted search scopes.
How to Create Restrictions
MetaLib has the following restrictions:
Free/Subscription - only Subscription resources are restricted (549 tag)
Affiliation based on institution - sign-in or based on IP (AF1 tag)
User group (AF3 tag)
IP group (AIP tag)
Free/Subscription (in 594 Tag)
If the value is set to FREE, the resource can be used by anybody. In Primo there is no need to create a restricted search/delivery scope. If the value is set to SUBSCRIPTION, the resource is restricted. In principle, a restricted search/delivery scope should be created. The following sections are relevant only if the resource value is set to SUBSCRIPTION.
Institutional Affiliation (in AF1 Tag)
This field contains the institution to which it belongs. If the resource is set to SUBSCRIPTION and this is the only restriction (there is no AF3 or AIP), the resource is available only to affiliated users, either by sign-in or IP range.
The default MetaLib KB-PNX mapping creates a restricted search or restricted delivery scope from the Primo institution code. A site should enable the relevant rule.
In addition, the scope must be defined in the Primo Back Office.
User Group Affiliation (in AF3 Tag)
There is no default rule to create restricted search/delivery scopes based on user group. However, a rule can be added creating a special scope based on the existence of AF3 and this scope can be restricted to a specific user group.
IP Group (in AIP Tag)
There is no default rule to create restricted search/delivery scopes based on user group. However, you can add a rule to create a special scope based on the existence of AIP.
In Primo it is not possible to define restrictions at the level of IP ranges and such a scope can be the basis for defining "additional restrictions" (this option is available only for restricted delivery scopes).
In Primo you can map this to additional restrictions, but only for restricted delivery.