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    Re-Indexing the Database

    This information is not applicable to Primo VE environments. For more details on Primo VE configuration, see Primo VE.
    This procedure allows you to re-index from scratch without causing downtime. The Front End uses existing indexes for search retrieval, and hotswapping replaces the old indexes with new ones.
    To re-index the database without deleting the current indexes in memory:
    1. Log on to the FE server and enter the following commands to view the search_schema.xml file:
      vi search_schema.xml
    2. Search for the <agent> tag to get the path to the <indexes> directory.
      In the following example, /exlibris/primo/p4_1/ng/jaguar/home/profile/indexes is the path of the indexes directory:
      <agents desc="collections of all search instances to be searched by jaguar" auto_deploy="active" swapping_type="slices">
      <agent port="9501" connection_type="local" host="" active="true">
      <slices slice_count="1" name="main" active="true">
    3. On each SE server, move to the directory that contains the indexes directory and enter the following command to back it up, where <date> is the current date:
      cp -Rp indexes indexes.<date>
    4. Log on to the BE server as the primo user.
    5. Enter the following commands to delete the index files:
    6. From a Web browser, enter the URL for the Back Office server. For example:
    7. From the Back Office home page, click Primo Home > Monitor Primo Status > Process Monitoring.
    8. To re-index the database, click Execute for the Indexing_and_Didumean_and_Hotswapping process.
    9. Log on to the FE server as the primo user.
    10. Enter the following commands to monitor the job execution on the FE:
      tail -f jaguar_server.log
      Do not restart the FE and SE servers so that you will be able to keep searching with the existing indexes.