Primo VE 2023 Roadmap Highlights
The Primo/Primo VE roadmap provides a preview of what is planned for 2023 and what is expected to become available in the first and second half of the year. The roadmap is based on community feedback, ideas from the Idea Exchange, NERS voted enhancements, and strategic enhancements that serve longer term goals. This published roadmap focuses on the highlights. We may add other development items over time, which will appear in the release notes.
The information below represents our primary planned development. Roadmap items are listed by category and timeline, followed by additional details when available. If feature development and design is not complete, details will be available closer to release.
As we work closely with the Primo working group while designing some enhancements, we’ll deliver more relevant information to the community by sharing mockups, workflows, and additional details.
The content on this page is informational and may be subject to change without prior notice at the sole discretion of Ex Libris.
Related Information
Highlights by Category
The planned developments are organized by category. For additional details regarding a development, select its link:
User Experience (UI and functions):
Citation search enhancements – Use of an AI-based tool to identify citations and translate into known items searches – (H1 2023)
CDI – Support Melingo the Hebrew Search Plugin in CDI – (H2 2023)
Ongoing Enhancements
Addition of a secondary resource type, e.g. to identify retractions and withdrawn items but also to flag review articles – this may only become visible to users in 2024
CDI Rights Processing Improvements
Enhanced performance to reduce processing time from currently 30 hours on average, to 24-48 hours by end of 2024
Ongoing improvements to data quality in CDI, incl.:
Improvements to the publication date and language fields to increase consistency (H1 2023)
Better identify of book reviews (H2 2023)
Connect author names to ORCIDs, when provided, and normalize the author name (H2 2023)
Improve OA-handling, with the addition of Unpaywall as an indexed collection, to allow filtering by availability and open access indication (H2 2023)
Identify low-quality data sources to remove from the merged record (H2 2023)
Split subject and keyword fields, and normalizing subjects, based on controlled vocabularies (anticipated to be visible to users in 2024)
Additions to item relationships to display in the related items feature – (H2 2023)
Some of the data quality projects will only be visible over time, some may be released for users in 2024.
Library Empowerment – New Tools and Configurations to Expose Library Resources
Other Major Areas for Enhancements:
Accessibility: We make every effort to ensure that Primo can be used by everyone. It’s continually designed and developed to meet Level AA of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act for features and functions. See Primo Accessibility Statement
Support Analytics API in Primo VE
Ongoing Analytics - As Primo evolves and new functionalities are introduced, new actions are being added to Primo Analytics to help you learn more about your patrons' usage.
Highlights by Timeline
The following table lists the planned developments by timeline. For additional details regarding a development, select its link.
2023 H1 | 2023 H2 |
Ongoing Improvements: |
Additional Details
Improve Your Search Results Using New Options in the Advanced Search
NERS Requests
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Add new capabilities to Advanced Search:
Call Number Searches:
Provide more search capabilities to improve discovery experience. |
Released in February 2023. |
Barcode Search:
Target: Alma customers since Primo will use Alma's API to fetch items by barcode.
Released in February 2023. |
New operator “Equals exact phrase”
Scope: support “Equals exact phrase” searches only for CDI searches and Primo VE.
Released in May 2023. |
Improved Pagination Experience
NERS Request #7700
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Allow users to easily define number of results per page and improve their pagination experience |
Improving the selection of number results per page:
Provide better user experience and workflow. |
Released in February 2023. |
Improve pagination in Browse Search
This optimization may require some UX changes when viewing results, more details will follow closer to the release timeline). |
Improving the User’s Session Timeout Experience
NERS Request #7809
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Introduce new settings to |
Provide better user experience and workflow. |
Released in May 2023. |
Support Search in My Favorites
Idea Exchange
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Help users to navigate and better use their Saved Records. |
Provide better user experience and workflow. |
Released in February 2023. |
Add Resource Types Filters under the Search Bar
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Introduce new Resource |
More search capabilities to improve the discovery experience. |
Released in May 2023. |
Enhancing Resource Type Configuration
NERS Request #7790
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Enhance the Resource Type Configuration to support system resource types. |
Library can specify rules and conditions to define not only local resource types but also system resource types. Upon indexing, Primo VE will prioritize first matches based on custom rules to determine the record’s resource type. |
Better manage and expose what is most relevant. |
Released in May 2023. |
Long Term Digital Loan – Support Patron Workflow
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Long Term Digital Loan - Support patron workflow when lending a digital copy of a physical resource in a “lend like print” manner. |
Allow patrons to submit and track requests also for digitized resources available via Long Term Digital Lending. |
Provide better user experience and workflow. |
Released in May 2023. |
My Library Card Improvements
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Enhance the My Library Card to include:
Allow users to view their fines filtered by Fine Status ( Active/Transferred/Closed) Enable users to opt in/out from receiving library notifications, for example Activity Report (H2 2023). |
Better manage and expose what is most relevant. |
Released in May 2023. Released in August 2023. |
Additional Configuration Options in Primo VE
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Provide the library additional options to better manage and expose their resources. |
Better manage and expose what is most relevant. |
Released in November 2023. |
Collection Discovery Usage
NERS Request #7186
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Enhance Primo Analytics to reflect usage per collection. |
Better manage and expose what is most relevant. |
Released in August 2023. |
Improve Search Experience when No Results Found
NERS Request #6729
What's New? | Highlights | Impact | Status |
Improve user experience when Auto Complete suggests materials beyond library subscription. |
Provide better user experience and workflow. |
Released in November 2023. |