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    Configuring User Notification Types

    To configure user notifications, you must have one of the following roles:
    • Letter Administrator
    • General System Administrator
    You send notifications to users using the job Update/Notify Users. For more information, see Running Manual Jobs on Defined Sets. The same notification letter, User Notification Letter, is sent by this job for all notifications, but, by creating additional types, you can use the types to configure the labels and XSL of the letter to include the labels relevant to the selected type.
    You can add notification types on the User Notifications Types code table (Configuration > User Management > General > User Notification Types).
    Notification Types
    The default notification is one indicating that the receiver’s password was changed. You can add or delete notification types. You can reorder them and select the default selected type (the types appear in a drop-down list when manually running the Update/Notify Users job).
    If you add a type, you will require its code to configure the letter.
    1. Configure the User Notifications Letter labels (see Configuring Letter Labels) to include any required fields for any additional types you added.
      User Notification Letter Fields
    2. Configure the User Notifications Letter stylesheet (see Customizing Letter XSL Style Sheets) to include any XSL clauses for any additional letters you added.
      Add any required XSL clauses for the new fields of the new type. For example, this is a conditional clause that inserts fields for the out-of-the-box notification type NOTIFY_PASSWORD_CHANGE:
      <xsl:when test="notification_data/notification_type =

      <xsl:value-of select="notification_data/temp_password" />
      User Notification Letter
      For more information, see Configuring Rapido Letters.