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    Roles and Registration Configuration

    For more information about roles, see Managing User Roles.
    The base unit of permission for viewing an item (page, option, link) or performing an action is a privilege; privileges are internally used and configured by Ex Libris. Privileges are grouped by roles.

    Restricting Users for Editing

    The following user roles in Rapido can make changes to Rapido user accounts: 

    • General System Administrator
    • User Administrator
    • User Manager
    • Circulation Desk Manager
    • Circulation Desk Operator
    • Circulation Desk Operator - Limited
    • Repository Manager

    However, you can prevent these user roles from making changes to specific user accounts (for example, editing contact info). This is a two-step process:

    • You define accounts as 'restricted for editing' in the Users Restricted for Editing table (Configuration > User Management > Roles and Registration > Users Restricted for Editing). If a user account has any of the roles defined in this table or is assigned any of the user groups listed in this table, then this account is considered restricted for editing.
    • For the user roles that can make changes to Rapido user records (the above-listed roles), you can activate the Can't edit restricted users parameter. This prevents these users from making any changes to the ‘restricted for editing’ accounts. See Managing User Roles.  

    For example: PAT_A  is an account assigned a Licenses Manager role. The Licenses Manager has been defined in this Users Restricted for Editing table as restricted for editing. User USER_B has a User Manager role. Therefore, this user can update user accounts. But the User Manager role is marked as Can't edit restricted users. This user, therefore, cannot update PAT_A’s account but can update other accounts that are not assigned the License Manager role.

    Users restricted for editing.png

    Users Restricted for Editing Page

    Select Add User Group or Add Role and select the user group or user role that you wish to restrict.