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    Scanning Items

    To scan a barcode, you must have one of the following roles:
    • Circulation Desk Operator
    • Circulation Desk Operator - Limited
    The item’s barcode is entered at each location it encounters in the request process. You can enter the barcode manually or use a scanning wand to read the barcode electronically. Alternatively, you can enter part of the resource title name, and the system suggests the remainder of the title.
    We recommend that all processing of receiving and shipping for resource sharing items be processed from the Receiving and Shipping interfaces.

    Scanning an Item

    To scan an item:

    On the Scan In Items page (Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Scan In Items), enter the barcode with a wand or manually enter it in the Scan item barcode.

    The fields on the Scan In Items page are described below:

    Scan In Items Fields
    Field Description
    Place directly on hold shelf Select from the following:
    • Yes – The item is placed directly on the hold shelf. An On Hold Shelf Letter is sent to the patron, indicating that the item is ready for pickup at the hold shelf (see Configuring Rapido Letters). The Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter prints to the circulation desk printer to indicate that the requested item was placed on the hold shelf, regardless of whether a pick slip was already printed.
    • No – The item is not yet ready for the hold shelf and is designated for hold shelf processing (that is, preparing the item for the hold shelf, such as checking the item’s condition). After hold shelf processing is complete, scan the item into the relevant circulation desk. The item is placed on the circulation desk’s hold shelf, and an On Hold Shelf Letter is sent to the patron, indicating that the item is ready for pickup at the hold shelf (see Configuring Rapido Letters).
    This field appears only when the Has hold shelf processing option is selected when configuring a circulation desk (see Configuring Circulation Desks).
    To change the status of a hold shelf processing or hold shelf item, scan the item a second time and modify the value of this field, as required.
    Automatically print slip The method for printing the slip:
    • No – Manual selection is required.
    • Yes – If multiple requests match the scanned item, one is activated automatically.

    This controls the printing of the resource request slip, not the transit slip. If the scanned in item has more than one request, then setting this attribute to Yes will cause Rapido to automatically select the request that will be fulfilled by the item, as per the requests’ priority and the time it was submitted. If this attribute is set to No, then the system will respond with the message, More than one request found for entered item, please enter request ID. Rapido remembers the last selection made for this field during this session.

    The Resource Request Slip is printed automatically only for hold requests. If the slip is needed for a digitization request, there is the option to manually print the slip.
    External identifier Whether an external identifier may be used instead of the item barcode (Select No or Yes). Displayed only when working at a Resource Sharing library.
    Scan item barcode (Required) The barcode of the item. You can enter part of the barcode and press the down arrow on your keyboard to select from a list of options that match your entry. When you select the Browse Find_icon_5.gif icon, the Repository Search page opens. Perform a search in the repository, select the item you want, and select Select.
    Scan request ID If there are multiple requests that may be fulfilled by the item, and the Automatically print slip option was not selected, enter the request identification number that was created when a request was submitted, and select OK.

    If only one item fulfills the request, you can scan in the request identification number, and the item barcode is not needed. If there are multiple copies of the item, you must enter both the barcode and scan request ID.

    The item details appear in the Scanned In Items table.

    The following is an example of the Scan In Items page after scanning in a barcode or request ID.


    Scanned In Items Page

    A description of the Scanned In Items columns is provided in the following table.

    Scanned In Items Columns
    Column Description
    Title The title of the identified resource.
    Destination The library or location to which the item is to be sent. Possible values are:
    • <Partner Name and Request Number>
    Barcode The barcode of the identified resource.
    Request Type The reason that the item is being sent.
    Requester The name of the requester.
    Requester ID This column displays a value only for patron-driven requests.
    Place in Queue Not applicable
    Checked In Not applicable
    • To remove all the items in the table, select Clear List.
    1. Select an option from the row actions list:
      • Print slip – Print a slip for the item.
      • Cancel request – Open the Confirm Request Cancelation page, where you select a reason for cancelation from the Cancelation reason drop-down box and select Confirm.
    2. Select Exit to return to the Rapido home page.
    If a physical item is requested by a patron, an email is sent to the patron to pick up the item at the requested circulation hold desk.

    Notifications for Resource Sharing Items

    The Scan In interface has the option to turn on a pop-up window that informs the user that the item is a resource sharing item and that the receiving interface should be used. If a scanned item requires receiving for a resource sharing borrowing request, an error message is displayed that may be overridden. The block option is controlled by a customer parameter, rs_allow_actions_on_scan_in.
    When the parameter is set to false, an error message with an override option will be displayed when a borrowing request is scanned at a desk of a resource sharing library which is the owner of the request. When the library is not the owner of the lending request, the parameter is not checked and transit is triggered regardless of the operator's scope. For a borrowing request, the message is, “Receiving is required to be done from the dedicated screen.” The message can be overridden and the operation will take place in the scan-in interface. If the block is overridden, the following actions take place:
    • The borrowing request status is updated to ‘Received by Library’.
    • The Receive ISO message is sent.
    • The temporary item is updated as if the receive screen was used without the due date.
    When the parameter is set to true, the error messages are not displayed and the process continues directly.
    When accessing the Scan In interface from a resource sharing library, there are two links for the shipping and receiving interfaces.
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