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    Staff Login Report

    To view the Staff Login Report, you must have the following role:
    • General System Administrator
    The Staff Login Report (Configuration > General > General Configuration > Staff Login Report) displays a list of staff users who have logged in to Rapido within the last 30 days. The report is sortable by user name or login date. Users that appear with blank dates have not logged in within the last three months. To access this report, select the option Excel (current view) in the Export List option on the Staff Login Report page.
    Staff users are users who can log in to Rapido using any role that enables login.
    By default, this report's data is retained for 90 days, in order to align with data privacy guidelines. You can change this to a different number of days. To change, contact Ex Libris support.
    Although you can change the report's data retention from 90 days, the maximum amount is 90 days. A lesser amount of days is valid, but not a greater amount.
    You can also export a list of users with their public IP addresses. This enables you to track from which IP address a staff user logged in, for example, in case the user account was hacked. To access this report, select the option Excel (all User and IP Address) in the Export List option on the Staff Login Report page.

    If desired, you can prevent the retention of the public IP addresses of users who logged in to Rapido. Then new entries are not added to the list, and after a week the list empties. To do contact Ex Libris support.

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