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Rialto Selection Plans

The Rialto Selection Plans subject area allows you to make reports about the Rialto Selection Plans and Rules and answer the following business questions:
  • What selection plans are available?
  • What are the selection plan rules?
  • What was budgeted for each rule/selection plan?
  • What is the history of the selection plans and rules?
  • What is the Cap for the rules?
  • ­How many titles are allowed for DDA?
  • ­What is the cash limit for Purchases?
  • What funds are used in the Selection Plans?

Rialto Selection Plans - Star Diagram.png

Rialto Selection Plans – Star Diagram 

Field Descriptions


Rialto Selection Plans – Field Descriptions

Rialto SP and Rialto Run Measures

The Rialto SP and Rialto Run Measures table is a fact table that displays details about current select plans.
Rialto SP and Rialto Run Measures
Field Description Additional Information
Rialto Num of Selection Plans The total number of selection plan created. This includes selection plans that are active, inactive, or were removed. 
Rialto Num of SP Rules The total number of rules found within the selection plans.  
Rialto Run Added to DDA The total number of titles added to the DDA pool from selection plans.  
Rialto Run Cash Encumbered The total amount spent from titles purchased (with a purchase rule) from selection plans.  
Rialto Run Num of Items Added to List The count of titles added to a selection plan slip from selection plans.  
Rialto Run Num of Items Purchased The count of  titles purchased (with a purchase rule) from selection plans.  
Rialto Run Num of Items Skipped The number of items that were captured on a snapshot but not either added to the DDA pool, purchased, or added to a selection plan slip on the day the finalization ran.  Typically titles are skipped when their held status changes from snapshot to finalization, or the user dismisses it from the snapshot before the plan finalizes.

Rialto SP Details

The Rialto SP Details table is a dimension table that displays details about the status and conditions of current selection plans.
Rialto SP Details
Field Description Additional Information
Rialto SP Active Indicates if the plan is currently active or not.  
Rialto SP Create Date The date the selection plan was created.    
Rialto SP Lifecycle The lifecycle of the selection plan. Possible values are: active, inactive, and deleted (For deleted, the information will still be available)
Rialto SP Name The name of the selection plan.  
Rialto SP Review Day The day that the selection plan snapshot will finalize.  
Rialto SP Review Period The amount of time that the user set as the review period.   
Rialto SP Status The current state of the selection plan snapshot. Possible values are: Not Yet  Reviewed, In Review, Generating, Finalizing
Rialto SP Cap The limit of items added to a DDA pool or the total amount allowed to be spent from a purchasing rule.  

Rialto SP Rule Details

The Rialto SP Rule Details table is a dimension table that displays details about the current selection plan rules.
Rialto SP Rule Details
Field Description Additional Information
Rialto SP Rule Enabled The rules that are enabled for active selection plans.  
Rialto SP Rule Fund Code The fund codes that are used for the rules.  
Rialto SP Rule Lifecycle The lifecycle of the rule. Possible values are active, inactive, and deleted (For deleted, the information will still be available)
Rialto SP Rule Name The rule names for selection plans.  
Rialto SP Rule Num of Items The number of items per rule (top level).  
Rialto SP Rule Type The rule operation type. Possible values are: Purchase, Add to DDA, Send to Selection Plan Slip

Rialto SP History Details

The Rialto SP History Details table is a dimension table that displays details about the history of selection plan runs.
Rialto SP History Details
Field Description Additional Information
Rialto SP History Name The name of the selection plan.  
Rialto SP History Review Day The date that the plan the selection plan snapshot was finalized.  
Rialto SP History Review Period The amount of time that the snapshot was in the review period.   
Rialto SP Rule History Cap The total amount of money spent for purchase rules.  

Rialto SP History Rule Details

The Rialto SP History Rule Details table is a dimension table that displays details about the history of selection plan rules.
Rialto SP History Rule Details
Field Description Additional Information
Rialto SP Rule History Enabled The rules that were active at the time that the selection plan snapshot was finalized.  
Rialto SP Rule History Fund Code The fund code that was used at the time that the selection plan snapshot was finalized.  
Rialto SP Rule History Name The name of the selection plan rules.  
Rialto SP Rule History Num of Items The number of items per rule (historic rules for selection plans that ran).  
Rialto SP Rule History Type The rule operations at the time the snapshots was finalized. Possible values: Purchase, Add to DDA, Send to Selection Plan Slip

Rialto SP Rule Library

The Rialto SP Rule Library table is a dimension table that displays details about the library that manages acquisitions.
Rialto SP Rule Library
Field Description Additional Information
Library Code (Active) The code of active (not deleted) libraries.  
Library Name (Active) The library name of active (not deleted) libraries.  
Library City The city of the library.  
Library Country The country of the library.  
Library Postal Code The postal code of the library.  
Library State Province The state or province of the library.  
Library Address Line 1 The first line of the address of the institution. It usually includes the building number and the street name.  

Rialto SP Rule Funds

The Rialto SP Rule Funds table is a dimension table that displays details about
Rialto SP Rule Funds
Field Description Additional Information
Fund Area Code The codes defined in the Fund Types table and attributed to funds, for example: Endowed, Gift, General, Grant, Income, and ResourceSharing.  
Fund Area Description The description defined in the Fund Types table for the Fund Area Code (Fund Type).  
Fund Code The fund or ledger code.  
Fund Currency The default unit of currency for the ledger.  
Fund Description The description of the fund.  
Fund External Id  The fund ID in external/legacy systems.  
Fund Fiscal Period Id The ID of the fiscal period to which this fund applies.  
Fund Ledger Id The ID of the fund ledger.  
Fund Ledger Name The name of the fund ledger.  
Fund Note Notes that are relevant to the fund.  
Fund Owner Code The code of the owning institution or library (see also Fund Owner Name).  
Fund Owner Name The name of the owning institution or library.  
Fund Status Indicates if the fund is in status active, draft or inactive. It applies to Ledgers, Summary Fund and Allocated Fund.  
Fund Type One of the following fund types:
  • Ledger
  • Summary
  • Allocated
Parent Fund Code The code of the parent fund in the Path hierarchy.  
Parent Fund ID The unique ID of the parent fund in the Path hierarchy,  
Parent Fund Name The name of the parent fund in the Path hierarchy.  

Rialto Run Details

The Rialto Run Details table is a dimension table that displays details about the Rialto run.
Rialto Run Details
Field Description Additional Information
Rialto Run Status The status of the Rialto run.  
Rialto Run ID The ID of the Rialto run.  

Rialto SP Run Date

The Rialto SP Run Date table is a dimension table that displays details about the date that the selection plans ran.
Rialto SP Run Date
Field Description Additional Information
Rialto Run Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the date in string format such as 2012.  
Rialto Run Fiscal Year Key The fiscal year of the date in number format such as 2012.  
Rialto Run Month The month of the date in month description format such as February.  
Rialto Run Month Key The month of the date in number format such as 2 for February.  
Rialto Run Year The year of the date in string format such as 2012.  
Rialto Run Year Key The year of the date in number format such as 2012.  
Rialto Run Date Filter Used to filter report results by date.    Possible values:
  • Current Academic Year (determined according to your country. For more information, see Current Academic Year.
  • Current Fiscal Year
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Last 3 Months
  • Last 30 Days
  • Last 365 Days
  • Last 7 Days
  • Older than 30 Days
  • Older than 60 Days
  • Older than 7 Days
  • Older than 90 Days
  • Previous Complete 12 Months
  • Previous Complete 24 Months
  • Previous Complete Two Years
  • Previous Fiscal Year
  • Previous Month
  • Previous Year
  • Two Fiscal Years Ago
  • Two Years Ago
Rialto Run Date The date the run occurred in  a date format such as 2/29/2014.  


The shared Institution dimension allows the Network Zone to view reports according to institution. If an analytics report is run from the Network Zone in a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone, all member institutions are included in the report for Institution Code and Institution Name. If an analytics report is run from an institution that is not part of a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone, only the single institution from which the report is run is included in the report for Institution Code and Institution Name.
Reports involving data across a collaborative network implementing a Network Zone may take longer to run than reports within one institution.

This dimension is available in every subject area. It contains the following fields:

Field Description Additional information Data Type Data Size
Institution Code The code of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.

The label in Alma is Code located on the right pane.

Institution Name The name of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Summary tab.

The label in Alma is Organization unit name.

Institution Address Line 1 The first line of the address of the institution. It usually includes the building number and the street name. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

The label in Alma is  Address Line 1.

Institution City The city of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

The label in Alma is City.

Institution State Province The state or province of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

The label in Alma is State/Province.

Institution Country The country of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

The label in Alma is Country.

Institution Postal Code The postal code of the institution. Configured from: Configuration > General > Add a Library or Edit Library Information > Contact Information tab. This is taken from the address configured as the Preferred address.

The label in Alma is Postal code.

Institution Timezone The timezone of the institution. The timezone is set during implementation. VARCHAR 255
Data Available As Of When the institution data became available in analytics. Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. VARCHAR 255
Data Updated As Of When the institution data was taken from the Alma database. Displayed at the bottom of the main Analytics menu. VARCHAR 255
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