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    Rialto 2024 Roadmap

    Important Information

    • The information provided in this deck gives a high-level view of ProQuest Rialto’s planned roadmap and functional offerings for 2024.
    • The information in this document is proprietary to ProQuest, part of Clarivate​.
    • Neither this document nor its contents should be shared outside the customer-ProQuest relationship without written permission from ProQuest Rialto product management.​
    • The content in this document is informational and is subject to change without prior notice based on business needs of ProQuest. 



    Rialto continues to add functionality and enhancements to support efficient workflows, collaboration, and a seamless user experience. Below is an overview of our 2024 roadmap.  We will continue to update this page on a quarterly basis to share upcoming enhancements for the next six months.

    Q1 2024

    Q2 2024

    Q3 2024

    Q1 2024 Enhancements

    Selection Plan Slips 

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Ability to support title alert creation as part of a selection plan.​
    • Ability to send matches to a title alert embedded within a selection plan (i.e. slip), as option "selection plan slip."​

    • Allows for a single review source.​
      • Librarians can consolidate results from multiple rules and selection plans into one selection plan slip to review.​
    • Selection plan slip results available to all shared users from the title alert page. ​
    Libraries wanting a more traditional approach to Selection Plans (using an approvals and slips workflow) will be able to work with their Content & Workflow Strategy Consultant to support the process they are comfortable with.​

    Newest Edition Ranking 

    What's new Highlights Impact
    New ranking value to surface most recent editions for works across the marketplace.​
    • New ranking value "Newest Edition" allows users to prioritize the newest editions of volumes, series, etc., within their search and query results across Rialto.

    Using the "Newest Edition" ranking, librarians can easily focus on the latest materials, without having to spend time refining their results by other facet values.​

    Standard Analytics with Data Visualization

    What's new Highlights Impact
    New default Rialto reports will be available for all libraries and included in the new analytics dashboards.​
    • New out-of-the-box reports include:
      • ​Orders placed (weekly and monthly)​
      • Current open orders​
      • Orders awaiting approval​
      • Performance times for Rialto platforms​
    • Additional reports are under consideration
    Libraries who do not want to build their own analytic reports will have enhanced out-of-the-box defaults to fill out their baseline Rialto reporting needs in Alma Analytics.​

    Record Matching in Cart 

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Prior to purchasing, approvers will be able to see if a new record will be created on checkout, or if it will match to a record already present in the IZ, CZ, or NZ.
    • Rialto will no longer be creating brief records when adding to the cart.
    • Record match will display in the cart if one is found in the IZ, CZ, or NZ (based on customer settings).
    • When no match is found, a portfolio for the new record will be created on checkout.
    Libraries can proactively review matched records in the cart to ensure collection accuracy post checkout. ​

    Q2 2024 Enhancements

    Selection Plan Match Reason Display 

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Ability to view the ranking determiner for offers on selection plan snapshots. ​
    • Within selection plan snapshots, the top two ranking determiners from the associated profile will display within the offer details, under a new section, "Rule and Ranking conditions"​.
    Libraries utilizing selection plans will be able to identify the ranking values that caused one offer to be selected from the others within a work.

    Not only will this clarify why an offer was selected, but it can also help inform ranking profile refinements to produce more desirable results. ​

    New Editions for Held Titles in Selection Plan 

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Selection plans will now allow for the newest edition of an owned title to be acquired.
    • Option to include the newest edition for a held title within selection plans.
    • Improved new editions matching for held titles within the query builder value "New Editions for Held Titles" that can be used all throughout Rialto.
    • Titles retrieved by the "New Editions for Held Titles" value will have a unique icon.
    Libraries that utilize selection plans will now be presented an option to include the newest editions for owned titles within their plan results. ​

    Previously, users who wanted to include the newest editions for held titles were required to set up a separate title alert to retrieve newer editions. This is no longer required, saving the library staff time now that they no longer need to create, maintain, and review results for two profiles. ​

    Badge Linking to Source 

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Offers with badges in Rialto will now provide a link to the offer’s source. ​
    • When a list badge is present on an offer the user has access to, a link will be present within the offer details to direct the user to that specific offer on the list.
    • This behavior will also be present with the “In Your Cart” badge (directing the user to the offer in their cart), and the “Purchased in Rialto” badge (directing the user to the offer in the order history page).
    When viewing an offer with an “In Your List” or “In Others’ Lists” badge, librarians will be able to click a new link in the offer details to quickly navigate to that list where the specific offer is included. ​

    From the list, they can use the browser back button to navigate directly back to the page they were previously on, reducing disruption to their workflow. ​

    Q3 2024 Enhancements

    Rapido Integration​

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Rialto may be searched directly from Rapido pages within Alma, allowing staff to order highly requested books and books unavailable on loan without creating purchase requests.​
    • From the Borrowing Requests page in Alma, staff with Rialto roles have a new action to search Rialto for each request.​
    • Launching a search allows staff to find matches in the marketplace, edit the search, and add offers to the Rialto cart or to a list.​
    • Selectors may request purchase approval, while purchasers may order directly (in the standard ordering workflow).​
    • Purchased materials will automatically be linked to borrowing requests.​
    Streamlines the workflow for staff that manage both Rapido resource sharing requests and Rialto selections, as they can add titles to their cart without losing the request context. 

    Browse by Subject in Rialto Query Builder​

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Rialto users will be able to build queries with broad subject values based on normalization of LC and Dewey terms.
    • From the query builder, users will be able to access a new "Subject" area that will contain the same normalized subject heading found within the Ebook Central platform.​

    • This new area can be utilized via the query builder for advanced searches, feeds, title alerts, and selection plans. ​

    Libraries that use Ebook Central will now find an aligned subject area with established Ebook Central subject headings to ensure consistency across platforms. ​

    Transparent Print Availability for North America and Asia Pacific​

    What's new Highlights Impact
    Updated print availability statements that better reflect shipping estimates and stock status. ​
    • Within the offer details, users will see:​

      • Updated stock statements​

      • Improved shipping estimates based on new warehouse turnaround times​

    Librarians will be able to make better informed purchase decisions for print books, having awareness of stock status and a proper expectation for time to ship.  ​

    "Requests and Services" Page

    What's new Highlights Impact
    All Rialto users will be able to easily find links to common requests and available services from directly within the Rialto interface. ​​

    From a new "Requests and Services" page within Rialto, staff will be able to initiate the following requests:​

    • A Title Matching Fast report​

    • Custom Title List Request​

    • New publisher-direct platform activation​

    • DDA/Selection Plan/EBA activation ​

    • Request a new feature​

    • Create a service ticket​

    Providing the links to request and services lowers the barrier for contact, reducing the overall turnaround time. 


    Notice:    The content on this page is informational and is subject to change without prior notice based on the business needs of ProQuest, part of Clarivate.

    Last updated May 28, 2024

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