Analytics Evidence S3 - Most Summon Action Usage Subject Area Filters Do Not Work
SalesForce case 00525867 / Status: Development / Priority: Normal (opened: 3/Jul/18)
Most "Summon Action Usage Subject Area" filters do not work.
In the Action Column the following options are available:
- Advanced search
- Basic search
- Click on recommended resource
- Disable personalized results
- Display Citations from citation trail
- Display Cited By from citation trail
- Enable personalized results
- Facet filtering
- Facet set as persistent – Exclude
- Facet set as persistent – Include
- (Followed by lots of lateral linking and local linking).
Only Basic Search and Facet Filtering yield results.
The Advanced Search Option would be of great interest.
How can the Advanced Search be enabled?
Action Group column offers the ability to filter by:
- Document
- Exploration
- General
- Results List
- Search
The only item in the filter list that yields results is "Search".
What must be done to activate the other options?
In the Action Sub Group the only filter that works is the Search.
Given that the Action Group also only allows the filter "Search" to be applied, the Action Sub Group as it is currently configured adds no additional information.
status: open
subject area: action usage
Discussed with Brent Cook at ELUNA, May 2, 2019
Ex Libris agees that these search and advanced search options should be fixed in Summon. The Summon Working Group should prioritize which options Ex Libris should be focusing on first.
From the IGeLU-ELUNA Analytics Working Group, Analytics Evidence Document
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