What is the difference between Syndetics Unbound vs Syndetics?
- Product: Summon
What is the difference between Syndetics Unbound vs Syndetics?
Syndetics Unbound is a paid subscription service that you can enable in Primo. It is an online catalog enrichment service that integrates with Primo to provide the user with related items and increase user interaction. When enabled it will display at the bottom of the record's full display in the New UI.
Syndetics Unbound will also provide you access to Table of Contents, Excerpts, Summaries and Abstracts. Click here to see the links to configure in the Back Office.
Syndetics is an out of the box feature that can be enabled in Primo to display Thumbnails.
If a Syndetics Thumbnail is incorrect, send an email to syndetics.corrections@proquest.com
- Article last edited: 23-Sep-2020