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    Summon, 360, Intota, and Ulrich's: Supported Browsers

    • Product: Summon

    Summon, the 360 and Intota services, and Ulrichsweb require only a browser for the end user and support all the leading browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. There is an ongoing process of monitoring new browser versions and checking their compatibility with our services. Full browser support details are noted below.

    Browser Display Resolutions and Other Requirements 

    For all browsers, you must enable JavaScript, cookies, and TLS (version 1.2; earlier and later versions are not supported).
    The Adobe Flash Player plugin is needed for viewing Top Charts reports.

    Browser Certification

    Ex Libris’ browser certification policy is based on industry usage statistics.
    The following table describes the certified browsers:
    Certified Browsers
    Browser Description
    Microsoft® Internet Explorer®

    Starting with the August 15, 2021 release, our services will no longer support the Internet Explorer® browser, including no longer fixing potential display and performance issues on IE.

    Microsoft® Edge Microsoft® Edge is certified as a successor for Internet Explorer®.

    Ex Libris makes every effort to test and certify the most recent stable version of Edge on an ongoing basis.
    Mozilla® Firefox® Ex Libris makes every effort to test and certify the most recent stable version of Firefox on an ongoing basis.
    In addition, Mozilla offers an Extended Support Release (ESR), based on the official release of Firefox for desktops, for use by organizations—including schools, universities, businesses, and others who need extended support for mass deployments.
    Ex Libris will make every effort to test and certify the latest ESR version, after the overlap period between the older and newer ESR version is over.
    Google Chrome™ As with Firefox, Ex Libris makes every effort to test and certify the most recent stable version of Chrome™ on an ongoing basis.
    Google Chrome applies updates automatically.

    Browser Versions Not Certified

    Ex Libris may discontinue certifying a certain browser version based on its industry usage. Issues reported that are specific to a browser version that has been discontinued will not be actively investigated or corrected.
    Ex Libris gives prior notice when certification of a browser version is discontinued.