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    Summon: Mapping OAI-DC Fields in Institutional Repositories to Summon Search Fields

    • Product: Summon

    How do OAI-DC fields map to the Summon search fields?

    If your Institutional Repository (IR) supports OAI-PMH (Open Access Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) and uses the OAI-DC (Dublin Core) metadata schema, please refer to the following table for information on how the DC fields map to the Summon search fields:
    OAI-DC Field Summon Search Field
    <element ref="dc:title"/> Title
    <element ref="dc:creator"/> Author
    <element ref="dc:subject"/> Subject Terms
    <element ref="dc:description"/> Abstract
    <element ref="dc:publisher"/> Publisher
    <element ref="dc:contributor"/> Editor (if Book or Book Chapter); Dissertation Advisor (if Dissertation)
    <element ref="dc:date"/> Publication Date
    <element ref="dc:type"/> used for Content Type mappings if applicable
    <element ref="dc:format"/> not used for default mappings; may be used if appropriate
    <element ref="dc:identifier"/> URL of item, if applicable
    <element ref="dc:source"/> not used for default mappings; may be used if appropriate
    <element ref="dc:language"/> Language
    <element ref="dc:relation"/> not used for default mappings; may be used if appropriate
    <element ref="dc:coverage"/> not used for default mappings; may be used if appropriate
    <element ref="dc:rights"/> Copyright

    If your IR uses elements from the Qualified Dublin Core metadata schema (such as <element ref=""/>), we can still map them into CDI, and they will map as you would expect (Author, in this example).

    • Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
    • Last Edited Date: 21-Feb-2014
    • Old Article Number: 8803