Summon: Real Time Availability Throttling
- Product: Summon
What can we do if the Real Time Availability checker degrades the performance of our OPAC?
The Summon Service's Real Time Availability (RTA) feature queries your Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) for the availability statuses of your catalog items using batch processing to increase efficiency. However, there may be times when the volume of batch requests exceeds the capacity of your OPAC to respond. A small number of clients have occasionally reported crashes and other performance issues during these times.
If the RTA checker is causing problems with your OPAC due to the volume of requests we can "throttle" the feature - effectively stopping availability calls after a certain amount in any given minute. If you would like us to apply limits to the RTA checker please contact us using the Contact Us menu at the top of this page to request the adjustment.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 20-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 8829