Incorrect field length in the UI for the number of concurrent users
- Article Type: General
- Product: Verde
- Product Version: 2
In the User's Guide, it states that the fields Concurrent number of users (under e-Product attribute), Pooled concurrent users (under Acquisition attribute), and No. of concurrent users (under Local Acquisition) can accept 10 characters. However, in the UI, the only field that can accept 10 characters is Pooled concurrent users, while Concurrent number of users can accept only 4 characters and No. of concurrent users can accept only 6 characters.
This should be changed so that it is possible to enter 10 characters in all three of these fields.
From issue resolution:
Unreproducible[8/31/2009 9:28:18 AM Zvi Finkin]
Final Status: Closed [8/31/2009 9:28:26 AM Zvi Finkin]
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013