Renewals in acquisition records
- Article Type: General
- Product: Verde
- Product Version: 2
The way subscriptions are currently being renewed is as follows:
When you renew a subscription, the system creates a new acquisition record that covers the same period of time (same number of days) as the acquisition record being renewed.
This method creates a problem when the subscription covers a period of time, such as a month, year, and so forth, and should be renewed by an acquisition record that will cover the same period of time. The problem is that the number of days for the original and for the new acquisition record is not necessarily equal.
1- An acquisition record that covers the period from 01-May to 31-May (31 days) will be renewed by a record that covers the period of 01-Jun to 01-Jul (31 days) and not 01-Jun to 30-Jun, as it should.
2- Since 2008 was a leap year (366 days long – Feb. was 29 days long), the subscriptions that covered the period of Jan. 1st. 2008 to Dec. 31st. 2008 are renewed by subscriptions that cover the period of Jan. 1st. 2009 to Jan 1st. 2010 (366 days) and not to Dec. 31st. 2009 (365 days- Feb. in 2009 is 28 days long), as you would expect. If 2008 had not been a leap year, the new subscriptions would end on Dec. 31st. The same problem occurs with the next renewal (Start date: 02 Jan 2010, End date: 02 Jan 2011 = 366 days).
The system should renew subscriptions according to the dates they cover and not the number of days.
From issue resolution:
Resolved as part of the July SP (by rep change 659)[7/26/2009 4:29:36 PM Zvi Finkin]
Final Status: Closed [7/26/2009 4:29:41 PM Zvi Finkin]
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013