Obtaining Application Statistics from Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store
- Product: campusM
- Operating system: iOS, Android
The use of Insight and Oracle Business Intelligence for app usage statistics, and statistics are relevant of for the popularity of features, tiles, and profiles. Store statistics show details for the number of download, crash rates and stacktraces, etc. Most store statistics are provided by the consent of the end-user; if they do not provide consent you do not see their contribution to the data and thus the statistics are not complete but do provide a good insight.
Apple’s App Store
- Go to iTunes Connect (https://itunesconnect.apple.com/login)
- Login to an account with permissions to view App Analytics
- Select ‘App Analytics’
- Click on the individual App you wish to examine
- View overview, etc, tabs.
- To download files into CSV format, go to ‘Metrics’
- Alter the filters, view by, and date variables to find the desired output.
- Click the download icon
- You may also save views in order to repeatedly return to data.
Google’s Play Store
- Go to Google Play Console (https://play.google.com/apps/publish/)
- Login to an account with permission to access ‘Download Reports’
- Select one of the categories;
- Crashes
- Reviews
- Statistics
- User acquisition
- Select an app
- Select a sub-category and expand the year drop-down, click the month you desire and proceed to download the CSV.
- Article last edited: DD-Mmm-YYYY