360 Core: Exporting Print Holdings Information From Your OPAC
Product: 360 Core Client Center
How do I export print holdings information from my OPAC?
You can make your OPAC's print holdings available to your patrons when using E-Journal Portal, 360 Link, and Summon services by adding them to a library-specific holdings database in the Client Center. A database of library-specific holdings allows you to include resources unique to your institution along with titles and databases in the Serials Solutions 360 KB.
This document includes two examples of popular OPACs and they should be a good guide on how to use other types of OPACs:
When new versions of these OPAC systems are released by their vendors, the specific procedures for exporting print holdings may change. Serials Solutions cannot test this so we rely on you, our clients, to let us know if you discover something is different and we can include it in Answers.
Ex Libris Voyager
Libraries that use Ex Libris Voyager can produce a list of their print journals for inclusion in their 360 services. This will allow us to provide a complete listing of every journal that is available at your institution regardless of whether it is in print, microform, or electronic format. Certain Voyager systems will allow you to link from the journal listing in your 360 services report directly to that journal's MARC record in your Voyager system.
The Microsoft Access interface of your Endeavor system lets you create a query file that contains the titles, ISSNs (when available), and some holdings information specific to your print journals. Save this file in Excel or Access format so you can upload it to your library-specific holdings database. For more information on this process, see Creating an Excel Template.
See Voyager Product Documentation for more information about the Access query and other helpful information including how to customize the query string for your library's specific requirements.
Once you've added holdings to your database, you can edit or modify the holdings. You also have three options for linking from a Serials Solutions service to holdings in your OPAC:
Choose not to have a link in your report.
Link to the "front door" of the OPAC. All of the journals that you provide in the spreadsheet will link to a specific page that you select in your OPAC. Typically, this will be the introductory search page.
Link to the MARC record of the holding. For some Voyager systems, you can build record-specific links for the print journals, based on ISSNs. Clicking on these links will take patrons to the journal's MARC record. Full details about which Voyager systems can accommodate this and how to implement it are available at Endeavor's Customer Support Site. When using journal-specific URLs, it's best to also provide a general link to your OPAC. The titles without ISSNs will point to this link.
Innovative Interfaces (III)
Libraries that use Innovative Interfaces (III) can produce a list of their print journals for inclusion in their Serials Solutions services. This will allow Serials Solutions to provide a complete listing of every journal that is available at your institution regardless of whether it is in print, microform, or electronic format.
Your Innovative Interfaces system lets you create a file with the Create List function. The file contains the titles, ISSNs (when available), and some holdings information specific to your print journals. Save this file in Excel or Access format so you can to your library-specific holdings database. For more information on this process, see Creating an Excel Template.
Once you've added holdings to your database, you can edit or modify the holdings. You also have three options for linking from a Serials Solutions service to holdings in your OPAC:
Choose not to have a link in the report.
Link to the "front door" of the OPAC. All of the journals that you provide in the spreadsheet will link to a specific page that you select in your OPAC. Typically, this will be the introductory search page.
Link to the MARC record of the journal. For some Innovative systems, we are able to build record-specific links for the print journals, based on ISSNs. Clicking on these links will take patrons to the journal's MARC record. When using journal-specific URLs, it's best to also provide a general link to your OPAC.