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    360 Core: Library-Specific Holdings: Creating an Excel Template

    • Product: 360 Core Client Center

    How do I create a library-specific holdings list in Excel?

    These instructions are part of the process of working with a library-specific holdings database, which is explained here.
    As part of that process, you will create (or modify) a file of titles to upload to your database. It is usually best to begin by downloading the standard library-specific holdings template and then modifying that template by adding your titles (see the instructions in Uploading Titles).
    However, some libraries choose to create their own Excel spreadsheet, or modify one that is output from another ERM system, for uploading. If you wish to do that, follow these instructions:
    1. To ensure you design your spreadsheet correctly, get the library-specific-holdings template for your library by following these instructions all the way through Step 3.
    2. Whether you're creating a new spreadsheet or modifying an existing one, make sure the column headers are entered for library-specific holdings as shown on the template:


      The above image doesn't show all of the available columns; the full list of columns, if you choose to use them, is as follows:
      • Title (Required)
      • Type (Required ONLY if your library tracks eBooks in your Client Center profile)
      • Default URL
      • Publisher
      • Publication Date (Book)
      • Public Note
      • Display Public Note
      • Location Note
      • Display Location Note
      • ISSN (Journal)
      • Coverage Date From (Journal)
      • Coverage Date To (Journal)
      • ISBN (Book)
      • Author (Book)
      • Editor (Book)
      • Edition (Book)
      • Language ID
      • Alphabetization

      The only required columns are Title and -- if you subscribe to the 360 Core: eBooks service -- Type (for Journal or Book). However, if you include several more fields, your database will be much more useful for your patrons:
      Title: The title entered here will be displayed in your library's reports.
      ISSN or ISBN: Allows us to include the ISSN or ISBN, normalize your holdings to our authority records, and in some cases build links to the content.
      Coverage Date From (Journal): This is the date that the coverage of the journal begins. Please note that we list coverage in date format, not volume format. (Dates must conform to the valid date formats, or link resolvers -- like 360 Link -- will not recognize the dates, and overlap analysis results will be inaccurate.)
      Coverage Date To (Journal): This is the latest date of coverage that your library has. Please note that if you include a Date From and leave this field blank, the phrase "to present" will appear in your report. (Again, dates should conform to the valid date formats.)
      Publication Date (Book): This date can be useful for patrons when trying to find a recent edition, or sorting by date. (As before, dates should conform to the valid date formats.)
      URL: This is the link that takes the patron to the holding. There are three basic options:
      1. A link to the search page of your online catalog. After clicking on this link, patrons are poised to do a search for the item in your catalog.
      2. A link to the title's MARC record in your catalog. Some OPAC systems such as III and Endeavor provide stable, title-specific URLs. These will link patrons directly to the title's MARC record in your catalog. This is the ideal system from the user's perspective. Read more about it here.
      3. Leave this field blank. No URL will appear. Patrons will be expected to know how to find the title in the library.

      You can choose whichever of these URL options that you prefer. If you would like to use option 2, you will need an OPAC system that offers durable, title-specific URLs. Please contact us if you need assistance in building links to your titles. You will need to send us a file that includes both titles and ISSNs/ISBNs. We will also need a sample URL we can use as a template.
    3. Once you have entered the information for the holdings you are adding to your database -- each on its own row (line) in the spreadsheet -- save the file as a text (*.txt) file.

      NOTE: If your file contains any text with non-Latin characters, you must save the file as a Unicode text document (.txt).
    4. You can then upload the file using the instructions for Uploading Titles to a New Library-Specific Database (if the database is currently empty) or Updating an Library-Specific Holdings Database (if it already contains holdings). If you have difficulty uploading the file, please contact us using the Support Portal option near the top of this page so we can assist you with the upload process.

    • Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
    • Last Edited Date: 18-Feb-2014
    • Old Article Number: 7127